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The Senior Grand Chaplain is given in bold. Grand Masters who served as Grand Chaplains prior to their election are given in ALL CAPS.

The 1792 Grand Constitutions make no provision for Grand Chaplains, and none were appointed at the organization of Grand Lodge in March 1792. The first official mention of a Grand Chaplain does not appear until the Quarterly Communication of March 1797 (Page II-37). They do not appear as official appointments of the Grand Master until about 1807, and even then others were appointed to fill the position on an ad hoc basis. Note: prior to the 1843 Grand Constitutions, there is not a fixed number of Grand Chaplains, and a number of men not listed in the Grand Master's appointments filled the role. In particular, previously-appointed Grand Chaplains would often be called upon to fill the role, sometimes designated as pro tem, and sometimes not, depending on the Grand Secretary's report.

The 1811 Grand Constitutions contain no provision for a Grand Chaplain, and the office appears to be filled only at the pleasure of the Grand Master.

The 1819 Corporate By-Laws include the appointment of a Grand Chaplain in Chapter 3, Article 1 but do not delineate any specific duties or responsibilities.

Part First, 8:11 of the 1843 Grand Constitutions specified the appointment of two Grand Chaplains.

A 1912 revision to Part First, 8:11 of the 1843 Grand Constitutions changed the number of Grand Chaplains from two to "two or more". This language has remained in the Grand Constitutions to this day, and the Grand Master appoints whatever number of Grand Chaplains he sees fit.

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