Location: Amherst
Chartered By: William Sewall Gardner
Charter Date: 09/11/1861 VI-382
Precedence Date: 08/23/1860
Current Status: Active
From New England Craftsman, Vol. VIII, No. 11, August 1913, Page 368:
There is no doubt that a convenient and well furnished lodge room in a substantial edifice of dignified and imposing architecture inspires a feeling of comfortable self respect that is never experienced in ill furnished or shabby quarters. There are many good Masonic Temples all over the country but we feel that the Masons of small cities and towns who have the courage to undertake the erection of handsome buildings and who successfully finance the business are deserving of especial praise for their enterprise and ability. Among the modern and handsome temples of Massachusetts, outside of the large cities, Pacific Lodge of Amherst may claim to have one of the best. It has been in use two years and is now the home of a royal arch chapter which has been constituted since the erection of the temple which was dedicated June 8, 1911.
Some facts regarding Pacific Lodge are taken from a program of exercises at the dedication of the temple.
Pacific Lodge received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Mass. June 8, 1801. The original charter is still in the possession of the lodge, bearing the seal of the Grand Lodge and the signature of Samuel Dunn, Grand Master. Thirteen names are on the charter. Meetings were first held in the tavern of Major Caleb Hubbard (one of the charter members), at Plumtrees, in the town of Sunderland. This house is still standing (1911) and occupied by his descendent. In 1812, leave was granted for the removal of the lodge to Amherst. In June 1807 the lodge was removed from Amherst to Leverett, meeting in the hall of Lucius Field. In September 1817 it was returned to Amherst which has been its home ever since. It has held its meetings in different parts of the town, namely: in the tavern of John Baggs; in that of Rufus Kellogg at Cushman; in Boltwood's tavern, which stood on the spot where the Amherst House now stands; and also, as the record runs, in "Brother Calvin Merrill's hall." Work was suspended by the lodge in 1827, as was the case with many other lodges of the state.
After a suspension of more than thirty years several of the brethren petitioned the Grand Lodge in 1860 for a dispensation, empowering them to work as a regular lodge. Having worked for a year under a dispensation, a charter was granted and on the 25th day of September, 1861, Pacific Lodge was reconstituted, its hall was dedicated and its officers were publicly installed by officers of the Grand Lodge.
January 4, 1882, its hall was rededicated after having been twice burned, repaired and refitted.
The present temple was built by the Pacific Lodge Building Association which was chartered in 1910.
Need list of living PMs.
- Porter Kellogg, 1860
- Ithamar F. Conkey, 1861
- George W. Allen, 1862, 1870
- Benjamin W. Allen, 1863
- M. Spear, 1864, 1867, 1873, 1874, 1879-1881
- David Pomery Bartlett, 1865, 1866, 1869
- John L. Lovell, 1868
- George M. Lovell, 1871, 1872
- Fred P. Baker, 1875
- Almon E. Cowles, 1876, 1877
- Oscar F. Morse, 1878
- Charles W. Adams, 1882
- John W. Howland, 1883-1885
- James W.T. Davis, 1886, 1887
- Edward W. Carpenter, 1888, 1889; SN
- Frank E. Paige, 1890, 1891
- George T. Stauter, 1892
- Rev. George E. Fisher, 1893
- Walter M. Dickinson, 1894
- James R. Anderson, 1895-1897
- Marshall R. Dickinson, 1898-1900
- Charles H. Rumery, 1901-1904
- Alfred Glynn, 1905
- James B. Paige, 1906, 1907; SN
- Henri D. Haskins, 1908, 1909
- Edmund I. Bangs, 1910, 1911
- Wilbur M. Cook, 1912, 1913
- Frank W. Bailey, 1914
- George H. Chapman, 1915
- Burton N. Gates, 1916
- Frank B. Jager, 1917
- Lewell S. Walker, 1918
- Arthur I. Bourne, 1919
- Edward L. Spear, 1920
- Horace H. Wolcott, 1921
- Edward F. Bridgman, 1922
- Dwight M. Billings, 1923
- John K. Broadfoot, 1924
- Raymond C. Bangs, 1925
- Alexander Anderson MacKimmie, 1926; N
- Harry W. Kidder, 1927
- Everett H. Ladd, 1928
- Fred C. Sears, 1929
- Ray V. Gain, 1930
- Warren A. Witt, 1931
- Arthur N. Julian, 1932; N
- Fred Hawley, 1933
- Oliver C. Roberts, 1934; N
- H. Chapin Harvey, 1935, N'; Mem
- Harold M. Elder, 1936
- Ralph W. Haskins, 1937
- O. Russell Snow, 1937, 1938
- William R. Stifler, 1938
- Arthur P. French, 1939
- John S. Bailey, 1940
- Harold D. Boutelle, 1941
- Arthur Glynn, 1942
- Elliot K. Greenwood, 1943
- Asbury B. Dunn, 1944-45
- Jacob K. Shaw, 1946
- George B. Kentfield, 1947
- John D. Swenson, 1948
- Walter C. Markert, 1949
- Herbert A. Randolph, 1950
- Loren R. Glazier, 1951
- Kenneth E. Clark, 1952
- Frederick K. Utley, 1953
- Frank W. Page, 1954
- Ernest A. Snow, Jr., 1955
- G. Dale Sheckels, 1955
- Ralph N. Hosford, 1956; SN
- Henry F. Scarborough, 1957
- Clarence M. Cornish, 1958
- Frederick G. Knowles, Jr., 1959
- Ellis H. Klein, Jr., 1960
- H. Bruce Goodwin, 1961
- Warren J. Ebert, 1962
- Armand J. Costa, 1963
- Andrew R. Booth, 1964
- Robert H. Davis, 1965
- Robert K. Patterson, 1966
- Clifford M. Oliver, 1967
- Joseph S. Niedbala, 1968
- Alan E. Hobart, 1969
- Raymond W. Jenks, 1970
- Paul C. Jones, 1971
- Gene K. Keegan, 1972
- John W. Quinlan, Jr., 1973
- John L. Cooper, 1974
- Donald J. King, 1975
- Linwood G. Buczala, 1976; PDDGM; expelled
- George Buczala, 1977, 1981, 1986
- Donald J. Helgeson, 1978
- Harold E. Reed, Sr., 1979
- Edward L. Field, Jr., 1980, 1982
- Thomas B. Aldrich, 1983
- Carl W. Markert, 1984
- Steven M. Volpe, 1985
- Bruce W. Kling, 1987
- Jeffery L. Sterling, 1988
- Charles A. Thompson, 1989, 1992
- Carl T. Matuszko, 1990, 1993
- L.Z. Moulder, 1991, 2003
- John M. Balcom, 1994
- Franklin J. Riley, 1995
- D. Thomas Touchette, 1996, 1998
- Edward P. Nicolay, 1997, 2000
- Harold T. Chadwick, 1999, 2001, 2009
- Robert B. Gray, II, 2002
- David E. Puffer, 2004, 2007
- Raymond S. Frenkel, 2005
- Simon J. Pongratz, 2006
- John A. Thompson, 2008
- John A. Mathews, 2010; DDGM
- 1901 (Centenary of Pacific (1801))
- 1926 (125th Anniversary)
- 1951 (150th Anniversary)
- 2001 (200th Anniversary)
- 1861 (W. Coolidge; Constitution of Lodge and installation; hall dedication; Special Communication; see below)
- 1882 (Lawrence; Installation; hall dedication; Special Communication)
- 1901 (Gallagher; Centennial (of Pacific; hall dedication; Special Communication)
- 1911 (Flanders; Hall dedication; Special Communication)
- 1926 (Simpson; 125th Anniversary; Special Communication)
- 1951 (Roy; 150th Anniversary; Special Communication)
- 2001 (Bauer; 200th Anniversary; Special Communication)
- 2011 (Stewart; 2 visits, including Installation)
- 2014 (Waugh)
1877 1883 1885 1893 1898 1907 1910 1912 1919 1929 1937 1938 1939 1941 1952 1954 1956 1959 1970 1976 1981 1982 1988 1991 1994 2009 2012
- 1926 (125th Anniversary History, 1926-164; see below)
- 1951 (150th Anniversary History, 1951-67; see below)
- 2001 (200th Anniversary History (very brief in Proceedings, 2001-79; see below)
From Proceedings, Page 1926-164; also New England Craftsman, Vol. XXII, No. 2, December 1926, Page 345:
By Brother Charles R. Green.
Pacific Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons celebrates today the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the granting of its Charter on June 8, 1801 — a comparatively small event at that time but an event of some importance as we look back through the years today.
In the early months of the first year of the last century, thirteen members of Masonic Lodges in this vicinity came together to consider the formation of a new Lodge. We know that those men came from the towns of Sunderland, Leverett, Montague, Northfield, and Amherst, and In some cases we have been able to learn the names of their particular Lodges, Up to the present time the list is as follows: John Prentiss, of Northfield, Caleb and Phineas Hubbard, of Sunderland, William Mather and Elijah Allis, whose home towns we have not been able to locate, were members of Republican Lodge of Greenfield. Roswell Field and Joseph Willard, of Leverett, Edward Buggies and Cornelius Wells, of Montague, and David Stockbridge, of Whately, were members of Harmony Lodge of Northfield. We have not been able to find out the names Lodges to which Friend Smith, of Amherst, and Rufus Field, of Leverett, belonged in those early days, It is on record, however, that the Grand Lodge, in answer to the petition of these thirteen men, granted the Charter to Pacific Lodge of Sunderland at its quarterly meeting in Boston on June 8, 1801. Other Lodges chartered lit the same meeting are as follows:
- Lebanon Mount Lebanon, Boston
- Fore Fathers' Rock, Plymouth
- Fraternal, Barnstable
- Aurora, Leominster
- Eastern, Eastport (Maine)
- Saint John's, Starbrock, Demarara, and
- Rural, Rehoboth.
Without question, the early and successful labors of those men would justify us in giving a detailed study of their life histories, but time will not permit, so I venture to give you just a few gleanings concerning those who were the first Masters of Pacific Lodge.
Phineas Hubbard was the first Master of the Lodge, and it is Interesting to note in this respect that this hall in this Masonic Temple is named after him. He was at that time twenty-six years old, making him one of the youngest Masters the Lodge has ever had. He continued his residence here until 1805, when he moved to Stanstead, Canada, a small town just beyond the Vermont border, and here he resided during the remainder of his life. In 1811. he was a Charter member of another Lodge, named at his suggestion, "Golden Rule Lodge number Nineteen," and was installed its first Worshipful Master on the 18th of January, 1814. The historian of that Lodge wrote the historian of this Lodge a few years ago to this effect:
"Worshipful Brother Hubbard was eminently endowed with all the prerequisites for filling the Oriental Chair with graceful ease and manly dignity. He seemed ready to participate in all the social, moral, and Masonic virtues; presiding with a kind of parental and masterly skill over the concerns of the Lodge, vigilantly guarding its inter ests, enforcing its principles, and performing its rituals in that impressive manner that often reminds us of the wisdom and skill of our First Most Excellent Grand Master."
On the 24th of June of that same year, this newly organized Lodge in Canada celebrated St, John the Bap tist's Day Brother Hubbard delivered the oration.
"In 1818 he was elected Senior Warden of a Mark Mason's Lodge just formed, and we have reason to infer that he was afterwards exalted to the Royal Arch Degree. He was finally summoned, we trust, to the Celestial Lodge above February 2, 1842."
Roswell Field, the second Worshipful Master, was born in Leverett in 1767 and resided there during his entire lifetime. He was a man of integrity and influence, stern and decided in his opinions, of good judgment and excellent executive ability. He held many important positions in town affairs, being elected Selectman, Overseer of the Poor, Assessor, and Member of the School Committee. He was at other times Justice of the Peace, "barrister," and magistrate, as occasion required. He served as Representative to the General Court for twelve consecutive years. He died in 1842, the same year as Phineas Hubbard, his predecessor, at the age of seventy-five years. It should be of additional interest to all of the members of Pacific Lodge, at least, to learn that this Roswell Field, the second Master of Pacific Lodge, was a great-uncle of Eugene Field, noted American poet and journalist. (Eugene Field, by the way, was a cousin of Samuel Minot Jones, the founder and benefactor of The Jones Library of Amherst.)
The third Worshipful Master was Samuel Church, of Amherst, and the Fourth was Caleb Hubbard, of Sunderland. Both of these men served with distinction during the Revolutionary War. Caleb Hubbard, the fourth Master of Pacific Lodge, lived until 1850, when he died at the age of ninety-six years, probably the greatest age reached by any member of the Lodge. The house in which he lived was the first home of Pacific Lodge, and that house is now standing and being used as the home of some of his descendants. I venture to express the hope that one day Pacific Lodge will be able to place on that building a suitable marker indicating to all those who may travel that way something about its early Masonic connections.
Although the Charter was granted in 1801 and the Lodge carried on its work regularly from that time, the Lodge was not really Constituted until September 5, 1804. The officers were properly installed on that occasion by Solomon Vose, D. D. G. M., especially deputized for that purpose. The report to the Grand Lodge shows "a sermon by R. W. Brother Pond and a charge by the presiding officer were delivered on ye occasion," and it seems as if the Lodge was in possession at the present time of that sermon. In rummaging around among the miscellaneous possessions of the Lodge a few days ago, I came across this ten-page ancient looking document, a very good sermon in form, of considerable age without any doubt, lacking only the name and date necessary to make us sure about this particular thing. The message contained in this ancient document is of such a goodly character that I am going to take the liberty to transcribe it some day with the hope that it will be read to the members of Pacific Lodge at some regular communication.
The early communications of this Lodge were held in various places; first in Sunderland, as specified in the original charter; then in Amherst from 1802 to 1807; the next ten years In Leverett, from 1807 to 1817; and back to Amherst again from 1817 to 1828. While in Sunder land the first few months in the history of the Lodge, com munications were held in Major Caleb Hubbard's tavern at Plumtrees, on the main road, and halfway between Am herst and Sunderlerland. The first meetings in Amherst (1802 to 1807) were held in "Brother Calvin Merrill's Hall." These last four words come down to us in quotation marks, but as yet I have not been able to locate this place with any degree of certainty. It seems as if it must have been somewhere in the East Street neighborhood, because that part of town was really the center of the town in the early years of the last century, certainly before the building of Amherst College in the 20s began to stimulate the development of the center of the town as we now know it.
By permission of the Grand Lodge again, the Lodge moved to Leverett, and meetings were held there, first in the home of Brother Hubbard (just which Hubbard I cannot ascertain), and later at the hotel of Lucius Field. Upon the return to Amherst again in 1817 John Baggs' Tavern in the East Street neighborhood, Rufus Kellogg's Tavern at the "City," North Amherst, and the Boltwood Tavern, located where the Amherst House now stands, were places where meetings were held during the next ten or twelve years.
It is interesting to pause here for a few minutes to consider the reports made to the Grand Lodge by the District Deputies having jurisdiction over Pacific Lodge and other Lodges in Hampshire County. At thai time Hampshire County extended from Springfield on the south to Greenfield on the north.
The first District Deputy's report contains these words: "The members appear with dignity. I think the members of this Lodge are generally quite respectable. They work correctly." In 1805, the District Deputy reported, "This Lodge is in want of the DUE Mode of Work, and it would {should} be methodically extented." The report for 1818 says, "From various reports it appears thai the interests of Masonry in this District are on the decline and that much Darkness has found its way into the several Lodges. It is hoped, however, that Light will again spring up and sheer the desolate places." tn 1817 the representative of the Grand Lodge says, "This Lodge is probably Improving, although none of the members are much acquainted with the present mode of work. Their appearance is, on the whole, respectable." In 1819, when Ebenezer Mattoon, our local hero of Revolutionary fame, was Master of the Lodge, the report says, "Nothing can be said In favor of this Lodge. Members are in general thought of {as} respectable characters, greatly deflcient in zeal." Pacific Lodge owed the Grand Lodge at that time $94.00, and record is made that $17.00 was paid the District Deputy. The 1820 report shows, "This Lodge has been on the decline for a few years past. Members are very deficient in attendance and in their knowledge of theirs returns and work; much disheartened; they will probably return the charter." In 1826, the visiting Deputy reported that he called at Amherst, but found that notice had not been received and consequently the Lodge was not assembled. In 1827 the Lodge was reported square with the Grand Lodge, and one of the last entries made in that time, February 27, 1828, was to the effect that a bill of $20.00 was paid to Carter and Adams, printers and stationers of Amherst. It is good to learn that the Lodge recovered from the slump of a few years previous and was in good financial standing.
Then came the Morgan excitement. Starting in New York State in 1826, and extending its influence through Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New England generally, Pacific Lodge along with a great many others fell victim to the unreasonable public opinion of the time, suspended its work, and gave up its Charter to the Grand Lodge, This incident alone is worth more than passing attention, but it will be sufficient for me to say that it has been estimated that three thousand Lodges ceased working during the next few years, and that in Massachusetts alone no new Lodges were chartered by the Grand Lodge for the next eighteen or twenty years.
After a suspension of nearly thirty-three years, or in 1860, Riley Jillson, a miller of Pelham, Dr. Seth Fish, and eight others of Amherst petitioned to the Grand Lodge for a Dispensation empowering them to meet as a regular Lodge. The petition was granted, and good work carried on for a year. Then the Grand Lodge was petitioned again, this time for the old Charter and the right to work under it. The story of the reconstitution and consecration of Pacific Lodge is an interesting one, and it so happ ens that I am able to read from a copy of the Hampshire and Franklin Express, published by Henry A. Marsh here in Amherst, on Friday, September 27, 1861. On what we call the editorial page, along with early news concerning the first stages of the Civil War, there is a column and a half report about this great event, another milestone in the history of Pacific Lodge. The editor was not a mem ber of the Lodge because he says, "Were it permissible we should like to give our readers a sketch of the impressing ceremonies, but being within the precincts of the Lodge the veil of secresy must cover them." Grand Master Cool idge, who signed the petition of the ten Masons (I. F. Conkey, Henry A. Bridgman, B. W. Allen, B. F. Smith, H. P. Kellogg, Daniel Purrington, Riley Jillson, John Jones, G. W. Allen, and Seth Fish) for the reconstituting of Pacific Lodge, and members of his staff were present and after the ceremonies of Constitution and consecration, performed in the afternoon in Masonic Hall, the officers of the Lodge were installed at the Baptist Church early that evening. The Most Worshipful Grand Master was in charge of the exercises, "announcing to the audience the object of the convocation and that in obedience to a cus tom observed in all ages of the world on the assembling of the fraternity, the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe would be invoked." He introduced for this pur pose the Chaplain-elect, the Rev. John Jones, of Pelham. The music at the Baptist Church at that time was furnished by the College Glee Club, (referring of course to Amherst College, the Agricultural College not having then been established) and the club was assisted by a group of young women, with Mr. Sampson presiding at the organ. "It was fine, and added much to the Interest of the occasion," says the writer of this report.
Continuing the newspaper report, we learn that the Brothers then adjourned from the Baptist Church to the Amherst House where "a supper was provided by Mr. Howe which did great credit to his skill as a caterer. The tables fairly groaned beneath the weight of good things." Later on, Worshipful Master Ithamar K. Conkey presided over the speech making which followed.
From 1861 on the communications of the Lodge were held in Cook's Block on Phoenix Row. In fact, the Lodge continued in this building for fifty-odd years, paying rent for fifty years in one landlord who was Mr. ___ Cook, owner of the building during all of that time. The old Lodge rooms here were damaged by fire on two different occasions, and special rededication exercises were held January 4, 1882, following the renovation of the damaged quarters.
Another milestone in the history of Pacific Lodge was the centennial celebration in 1901. This one hundred-year anniversary was planned for September 18th, but as that time drew near, the entire nation was plunged in grief by the sudden death of President McKinley. Postponed until October 8th, Nature joined in all her glory to make it a notable anniversary. Grand Master Charles T. Gallagher and his suite were received at a special communication of the Lodge in the old Lodge-rooms over Adams Drug Store. After a few words of welcome by Worshipful Master Marshall D. Dickinson, the members of Pacific Lodge and their guests were escorted to College Mall by the Northampton Commandery of Knights Templar in full regalia and headed by the Amherst Brass Band. A splendid program followed, including an address by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Charles T. Gallagher, an historical address by Rev. George E. Fisher, of North Amherst, and an oration by Rev. John C. Breaker, of Northampton. The Grand Master exhibited the lock of George Washington's hair, presented to the Grand Lodge by Mrs. Washington, encased in a golden urn fashioned by Paul Revere and that placed in a velvet lined mahogany casket, also the work of Paul Revere.
At seven o'clock that evening a banquet was served in the Town Hall and nearly four hundred Masons were seated at the tables. The Hon. Brother Richard W. Irwin, of Northampton, was the toastmaster and he introduced as speakers Most Worshipful Grand Master Gallagher, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Nickerson, Right Worshipful David T. Remington, and Brothers Lieutenant Governor Bates, Secretary of the Commonwealth William M. Olin, President of the Senate Rufus A. Soule, Hon. Dana Malone, Guy C. Allen, H. R. Chase, and others. The Weber Quartette, of Boston, sang all the afternoon and evening — and at the close of the festivities the members of Pacific Lodge received the congratulations of their guests on this most successful centennial celebration.
The need for more desirable quarters for the communications of the Lodge came up for consideration from time to time, and about 1910 the interest became so great that a Masonic Building Association was formed. This resulted in the purchase of a fine piece of real estate on Main Street the erection of the new Masonic Temple, the building in which we are meeting today. This building was dedi cated with appropriate ceremonies on June 8, 1911, one hundred and ten years after the granting of the Charter by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge. The fifteen years since the dedication of the new Temple and since Pacific Lodge moved into its new home have gone swiftly and pleasantly. The Lodge prospered in many ways. At the present time it has 362 members on its active list, but careful search and fairly accurate count shows that approximately 975 members have been on the Lodge records during the one hundred and twenty-five years of its history.
A few minutes should be given to the consideration of some of the more prominent members of the Lodge, especially during its recent years. I wish we could pay tribute and give our consideration at the present time to men like Edmund Boltwood, Walter M. Dickinson, George E. Cooke, Edward Larabee, Fraser A. Stearns, and others who served their country in times of trouble; of men like D. B. N. Fish, F. A. Hosmer, James B. Paige, M. N. Spear, Levi Stockbridge, and others who have served the Lodge and their community so well; and lastly, those of these present days who are active, high minded men, imbued with and practicing the great teachings of Free Masonry, but time prevents.
You will be Interested, I know, to call that the oldest member of Pacific Lodge at this time is Brother Harvey White, who, on June 2d, celebrated his 92nd birthday. He was raised in our own Lodge in 1874. Following him is James W. T. Davis who was raised in October,1877. He is a Past Master of Pacific Lodge and was Postmaster of Amherst from 1917 to 1922. Next comes George J. Gallond who was raised in December 1877: and then, the last of that fine quartette, Edward C. Carpenter, D. D. G. M. and Past Master, and publisher of The Amherst Record, who was raised in January, 1878. It is of special interest to knew that all four of these long time Masons made application for membership in Pacific Lodge and were entered, passed, and raised to the sublime degree here in our own Lodge. Charles H. Sanderson was raised in Hayden (Brookfield) Lodge August 25, 1871, and admitted in Pacific Lodge in 1878, This makes him the oldest Mason as years of Masonic service are concerned.
About ten years ago, our dearly beloved Brother Dr. James B. Paige had occasion to write: "When I started out with the preparation of a paper for this occasion, I had the intention of preparing a short historical sketch of this ancient Institution, hoping to Impress upon the minds of our younger members the dignity of its past together with some of its traditions and accomplishments, that they might be favorably impressed with the sterling character of its members and their achievements in this community and the Fraternity in days gone by, and to stimulate in them an enduring and endearing interest for the Institution in which they should be proud and zealous of their membership." For us this is the lesson of history — to learn its record and build stronger and better as the years go on.
Twenty-odd years ago, Past Master Marshall D. Dickinson read a historical paper before this Lodge and his closing words will be mine today. He said: "We must press forward in the noble work; select the best material, try it by the square, adjust it by the plumb and level, units it with the cement of brotherly love, and then we may trust that Pacific Lodge as a Temple of Masonry will stand as long as the everlasting hills, the very beautiful hills about us, shall endure."
From Proceedings, Page 1951-67:
By Worshipful Jacob K. Shaw.
Pacific Lodge was chartered at the Grand Lodge Communication of June 8, 1801, although it was not formally constituted until September 5, 1804. Seven other Lodges were chartered on the same day, four of which are still working — Lebanon Mount Lebanon, Boston; Fraternal, Hyannis; Aurora, Fitchburg; and Rural, Quincy. Corner Stone of Duxbury was chartered on December 14, 1801. Thus there are six Lodges which complete 150 years of work this year.
The 150 years of Pacific Lodge may be conveniently divided into four periods — (1) from its formation in 1801 to 1827 when it became dormant; (2) the dormant period 1827 to 1860, and naturally there is little to be said about this; (3) from 1860 to 1926 when the Lodge celebrated its 125th anniversary; (4) from 1926 to 1951. The first three of these periods were well summarized by Bro. Charles R. Green and published in the Grand Lodge Proceedings for 1926. Here some of the high-points of Brother Green's paper will be summarized, with perhaps a few things of interest added. The last twenty-five years will be discussed in more detail, recording facts that may be of some interest to those present and possibly of more value to those that come after us should this paper chance to come to their attention.
The first meeting place of the Lodge was in Caleb Hubbard's Tavern, half way between Amherst and Sunderland, and in the latter Town. This house was built in 1763 and continued a tavern until 1839. It has been recently restored and is occupied by George C. Hubbard, great grandson of Wor. Caleb Hubbard, who was the third Master of Pacific Lodge. This 188 year old house is well worth a visit by those interested in old Colonial houses. The reputed lodge-room was on the second floor, north end, and is now divided into two rooms. The Lodge met here for only about a year and then moved to Amherst where it met in "Bro. Caleb Merrill's Hall," probably in East Street. In 1807 it moved to Leverett where it met in the home of "Bro. Hubbard" and later in the Field Tavern. Then in 1817, it moved back to Amherst on East Street, Cushman, and finally in the Boltwood Tavern, situated on the corner of South Pleasant and Amity Streets.
On the revival of the Lodge in 1860, it met in the Cook block on the corner of North Pleasant and Main Streets and continued there for fifty years. In 1910, stimulated by a threatened increase in rent, the Brethren resolved to build a home of their own. This led to the construction of the present temple, which was dedicated on June 10, 1911, the 110th anniversary of the Lodge.
In the Jones Library, under the care of Bro. Charles R. Green, is a two page list of the Brethren who received diplomas from 1801 to 1809. This list contains about eighty names, beginning with Bro. Melzar Hunt who was initiated October 14, 5801, and passed and raised on November 30, 5808, indicating quite a long period of travel to the East. The list ends with a Brother Hamilton who was entered May 11 and passed and raised May 24, 5809. It thus appears that sometimes the second and third degrees were conferred the same date. If the pace was slow at first, there was a rapid acceleration in the ten year period.
That this practice continued for a long time is indicated by the records of seventy-five years ago which show that two degrees were often worked in one evening. There were rather few special communications at that time. Degrees were conferred, sometimes two of them, at the stated communications. Though the business sessions seem to have been brief, it would seem that the Brethren must have arrived home rather late (or early) after such heavy and prolonged labor.
The first three 25 year anniversaries seem to have passed without any special observance. In 1826 the Lodge was near dormancy. In 1851, it was dormant. The Lodge records of 1875 and 1876 make no mention of the 75th anniversary, but the one hundredth year was distinguished by a great celebration. A special car from Boston brought the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Charles T. Gallagher, and a distinguished company. The Amherst Brass Band led the procession to College Hall and the Worshipful Master, M. D. Dickinson, presented the original charter to the Grand Master "not for surrender but for your inspection and examination." A history of the Lodge was given by Worshipful and Reverend G. E. Fisher. In the evening, four hundred guests attended a banquet in the Town Hall, with several speakers, including Lt. Gov. John L. Bates. Of those who arranged this celebration, only Wor. Henri D. Haskins and Brothers E. B. Holland and P. H. Smith, Jr. remain with us today.
The surrender of the charter in 1827 was brought about by the anti-Masonic excitement which swept over New England, New York and Pennsylvania, and to a lesser extent, more distant states. It was especially violent in Vermont, and in 1833 a law was enacted which forbade the administration of "extra judicial oaths" which continued a dead letter for more than one hundred years and was repealed only in 1946.
Thus, what seems to me the indiscretions of a few Masons in Western New York, inflicted on Masonry a punishment that seems out of proportion to the offense. It should remind us all to be careful of our words and actions lest we give occasion for potential enemies to do great injury to the Fraternity.
The 125th anniversary was observed on June 4, 1926. Most Worshipful Frank L. Simpson and other Grand Lodge Officers were greeted and conducted into the presence of the Worshipful Master, the late A. Anderson Mackimmie, by a committee of sixteen Past Masters, with the late Wor. James W. T. Davis as Chairman. Addresses were made by Past Grand Master Dudley H. Ferrell, the Grand Secretary, R. W. Frederick W. Hamilton, and R. W. Frank H. Hilton. In the evening there was a banquet at the then new Lord Jeffrey Inn, with Wor. Brother Mackimmie as Toastmaster. There were speeches by the Grand Master, M. W. Dudley H. Ferrell, Curtis Chipman, and President Olds of Amherst College. On the next day the Lodge attended Divine Worship at Grace Episcopal Church, with a sermon by the Rector, Brother A. L. Kinsolving. Wor. Dwight M. Billings was Chairman of a committee of nine, of whom only Wor. Brothers A. I. Bourne and L. S. Walker and Brothers C. W. Eastman and C. R. Green still survive.
The last quarter century of the Lodge has passed in peace and harmony, but has brought its problems. The last two decades has been a period of some financial difficulty. The effect of a decreasing membership is seen in deficits in many years. Nevertheless, we have carried on and many repairs and improvements in our temple have been made. The dining room was repainted and additional chairs and dishes purchased. The club-room was repainted by volunteer labor and last year the lodge-room and the rest of the interior refinished in anticipation of the present occasion, the cost being met in part by the Building Association and in part by special funds from the Brethren. An electric organ, replacing the piano previously used,was purchased in 1947 with contributions from the members and last fall the coal furnace was replaced by an oil burner.
The total number of Past Masters of Pacific Lodge is seventy-six, of whom twenty-eight are now living, all but seven residing in town and being active in the Lodge. It thus appears that the average term of a Master, based on the 117 years of activity of the Lodge, is considerably less than two years. Since 1913 Masters, with one exception, have occupied the station for only one year. This means that as soon as a Master is well settled in the East, he gives place to his successor. This is well. It is a pleasure to watch the development of a Brother as he goes "up the line." Seven years, or a little less if some drop out of the procession, may seem a long period to a Junior Steward, but the backward look of a Past Master makes it seem shorter. In the earlier years, Masters usually served for several years. Worshipful M. N. Spear was Master for seven years, between 1864 and 1881; Worshipful C. H. Rumery, five years, 1901 to 1905. Six have served three years and nineteen for two years.
Our senior Past Master is Worshipful Henri D. Haskins, Master in 1908-09, now past the ripe age of four score and still continuing his interest in Pacific Lodge. We must expect that in the course of the next ten or twenty years he will be succeeded by Worshipful Frank VV. Bailey next in seniority.
The membership of Pacific Lodge in 1901 was 123. It rose to 368 in 1926, and to 386 in 1929. Then followed a somewhat irregular decrease to 308 in 1944. Since then there has been an increase to about 350 at the present time. Of course these numbers are at best only a close approximation for the membership varies almost from day to day. There are nearly one hundred members who reside outside the jurisdiction of Pacific Lodge, but this is offset by about the same number of members of other Lodges living in or near Amherst, many of whom are often seen at our communications.
At least four Presidents of what is now the University of Massachusetts — Stockbridge, Lewis, Thatcher and Baker — also Presidents Olds and King, and possibly others of Amherst College, have been members of Pacific Lodge; also many of the Professors in both Colleges. Many of the prominent business men of the town, and in greater numbers, many who belong to what are sometimes called humbler walks of life, are numbered among us. A glance at the list of Past Masters shows that it is made up of a cross section of the men of the town. This shows the true spirit of Masonry which regards no man for his worldly wealth or outward appearance nor for his station in life.
Of those raised more than fifty years ago, five are still active members. The oldest member is Bro. Edward B. Holland, retired Research Professor in the University, who was raised in 1895. Brothers Fred H. Hawley and Fred W. Edgington were raised in 1897. Wor. Henri D. Haskins and Bro. Philip H. Smith were raised in 1899. Bro. Fred C. Kenney, who passed to the Celestial Lodge above only last February, was more than fifty years a Mason. He affiliated with us in 1908.
Pacific Lodge has had its share of members who have been , well known beyond the bounds of the Lodge. R.W. A. Alexander Mackimmie was Master in 1926, District Deputy Grand Master of the 17th Holyoke District, Master of the 16th Lodge of Instruction and Junior Grand Warden. Mack was a canny Scotsman and his knowledge and love of Masonry deep and wide. He was a faithful teacher in the University, highly regarded by his colleagues, for nearly forty years. He left us less than a year ago, but we will long cherish our memory of him as one of our most loved Brethren.
Brother Arthur B. Rowell, better known to us as Bill Rowell, served as Secretary of Pacific Lodge for more than twenty-five years. He traveled extensively over the country in his younger days. He had a retentive memory; he knew everybody and could tell countless stories about people and places. He frequently enlivened his annual requests for dues from absent members with piquant, personal notes which did much to maintain their interest in the Lodge. One of my first duties as Master was to commit his body to the earth from whence we came, but his soul goes marching on among us.
Among the rank and file of the Brethren, none was held in higher esteem than William H. Casey. Made a Master Mason in 1899, he continued a faithful member until his death in 1942. I remember making a somewhat critical remark to him about some one I did not value very highly. Bill at once came to his defense, citing some of his good points. This was characteristic of him. He was a living testimony of the best in Masonry.
During World War I, thirty-four members of the Lodge served in the armed services, one of whom died of wounds received in action. This was Bro. Edward H. Larabee whose portrait hangs in the lower hall of the temple opposite that of Wor. Walter M. Dickinson who fell in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. In World War II, twenty-five Brethren served our country, all of whom returned safely.
Pacific Lodge has received three bequests from deceased Brethren during the last twenty-five years. Bro. Daniel W. Dickinson, who was made a Master Mason in 1906 and died in 1932 at the ripe age of eighty-five, gave the Lodge the bulk of his estate to found the Daniel W. Dickinson Charity Fund. From the income of this fund many of our unfortunate Brethren have been relieved and the Christmas baskets sent to deserving families have been gratefully received. Bro. Dickinson did not hold high office in the Lodge, but for twenty-five years was a highly esteemed Brother among us.
Wor. George T. Slanter, Master of the Lodge in 1892, and later residing in Westfield, bequeathed us $200 in 1940, and only last year, Bro. Arthur E. Adams left the Lodge $500 by his will. Bro. Adams exemplified the teachings of Masonry to a high degree. He took the symbolism of the Square and Compasses seriously and carried them out in his daily life.
We of Pacific Lodge are proud of the excellence of its ritualistic work and at no time, at least in recent years, has it been better than at present. The present officers deserve and receive high commendation for their diligence and excellent work. It is not given to attain perfection, but to persist in striving for it continually is a virtue.
One hundred and fifty years may seem to be a long time, or a short time, depending on our standard of comparison, but it covers almost two-thirds of the existence of modern Masonry. Pacific Lodge has had periods of prosperity and of adversity common to all human institutions. It can look back on its past with more pride than regret and looks to the future with faith and confidence. It can point to many of its members who have exemplified the best in Masonry and human excellence. May it long continue to exhibit the three jewels of a Master Mason and a blessing not only to its members, but to all the people of this part of Massachusetts.
From Proceedings, Page 2001-79:
Two Centuries of Freemasonry in Hampshire Count}'. Massachusetts. 1801 to 2001
The Charter of the Pacific Lodge was issued by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts on June 8, 1801 in answer to a petition of thirteen Masons residing in the towns of Sunderland, Leverett. North Hadley and Amherst. In the earliest days, the Lodge held its communications in the part of Sunderland called "Plumtrees" in Major Caleb Hubbard's tavern. Phineas Hubbard was our first Master and Caleb was our fourth in 1801 and 1807 respectively. Most of the Charter members were from Republican Lodge in Greenfield.
In 1802, the Lodge was removed to Amherst and in 1807, it was moved from Amherst to Leverett, and in September 1817, it returned to Amherst where the Lodge met in the Odd Fellow Hall, thanks to the hospitality and cooperation of the Order of Odd Fellows.
Pacific Lodge, now in its own building, 99 Main Street, Amherst, since 1910, has been able to return the favor in housing the Odd Fellows, the Amherst Grange (until recently), the Royal Arch Masons, Eastern Star Unity Chapter No. 66, and the White Shrine Chapter.
The Lodge has numbered from first to last, more than 2000 members who have come from ranks of almost all the honorable professions and occupations of life.
Our rolls stand the names of farmers, mechanics, merchants, physicians, lawyers, judges, teachers, professors, and clergymen. Some of these are eminently well-known in Amherst, such as Hubbard, Field, Crocker, Dickinson, Maltoon, Thayer, Conkey, Allen, Hawley, Lovell, Cowles, Morse, Adams, David, Paige, Taft, Cushman, Boltwood, Stockbridge, Cooke, Jones, Hosmer, Snelling, Baker, Sloan, Holden, Southwick, Spear, Bartlett, Kellogg, Lessey, Haskings, Kentfield, Douglas, Marsh, Bangs, Noyes, Tillison, Dewey, Darling, Crafts, Anderson, Fisher, and Alviani.
Our members have served in all the defenses of our Nation, including the Revolution, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, and Vietnam. Members held the ranks from Private to General in all branches of Service.
Pacific Lodge continues to serve the Community in many ways: in the DARE and CHIP Programs, Shriner's Hospital and Burn Centers, and many other Masonic Charities. Our membership grows every year and invites applications from all men of good report and well recommended.
From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. XX, No. 10, August 1861, Page 377:
This Lodge was regularly constituted and its officers publicly installed by the Grand Master, M. W. Wm. D. Coolidge, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge, on Tuesday, the 24th ult. The installation services took place in the Methodist Church, and were attended by a large number of ladies and citizens. The address of the Grand Master was, as usual, appropriate and impressive, and was listened to with great attention and satisfaction. The music was also worthy of great praise. At the conclusion of the services at the church, the Brethren partook of a supper together at the Amherst House, where a pleasant, and we hope not unprofitable hour, was spent in an interchange of views and listening to encouraging words.
The Lodge was organized under the Charter of a former Lodge of the same name, and takes rank from 1801. The officers for the year are as follows :—
- I. F. Conkey, W. Master.
- Geo. W. Allen, S. W.
- Benj. W. Allen, J. W.
- D. W. Palmer, Treas.
- Geo. E. Cook, Sec.
- J. L. Lovell, S. D.
- Lemuel E. Coe, J. D.
- Geo. A. Whipple, S. S.
- John C. White, J. S.
- M. N. Spear, M.
- John Jones, Chap.
- Timothy Armstrong, Tyler.
The officers of the Grand Lodge present, are under many obligations to Bro. Conkey and other officers of the new Lodge for the courtesies extended to them.
From New England Craftsman, Vol. VI, No. 10, July 1911, Page 339:
Pacific Lodge A. F. and A. M., Amherst, Mass., celebrated its 110th birthday by dedicating its new temple, Thursday, June 8. A committee of the Lodge attended by a large delegation of members met the officers of the Grand Lodge on their arrival in the afternoon and conducted them to the temple where a reception was held at 6 o'clock.
Grand Master Flanders was attended by Right Worshipful Edwin A. Blodgett, Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Samuel Hauser, Senior Grand Warden, Most Worshipful J. Albert Blake, Past Grand Master, Charles T. Gallagher, Right Worshipful Thomas W. Davis, Recording Grand Secretary, Right Worshipful Brother Clarence A. Brodeur, C. C. Spellman, Worshipful Brothers D. E. Miller, P. R. Bridgeman, H. P. Ballard, George W. Chester, O. D. Dickerman, Roscoe E. Learned and Abram Davis.
The program included an address of welcome By Worshipful Master Edmund I. Bangs, prayer by the Grand Chaplain, singing by the Weber Quartet of Boston, dedication by Most Worshipful Dana J. Flanders, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. After the dedication a banquet was served to more than 400 guests in the Town Hall, which was decorated for the occasion with potted plants, flags and Masonic emblems.
Richard W. Irving of Northampton was toast master. The speakers were Most Worshipful Charles T. Gallagher, Past Grand Master; Dana Malone, Past Master of Republican Lodge, Greenfield: and Clarence A. Brodeur, Past Senior Grand Warden of Westfield. Members of many other lodges were present.
The Lodge received its charter June 8, 1801. Its meetings have been held in Caleb Hubbard's tavern, Plumtrees, in Lucius Field's hall in Leverett, in John Bagg's tavern in East Amherst, in Boltwood's tavern in Amherst Center and for the last 50 years in Cook's Block.
Jan. 4, 1882, its hall was rededicated after having been twice burned, repaired and refitted.
The Pacific Lodge Building Association, composed of members of the lodge, was chartered in 1910 with an authorized capital of $25,000. Charles E. Wakefield, Charles H. Sanderson, D. M. Billings, C. H. Rumery and C. R. Elder were constituted a building committee and given power to buy a lot and build the temple. They raised $23,000 and the present temple was speedily constructed and furnished.
Amherst Masonic Temple
The building is of brick. The first floor contains reception rooms and a banquet hall. The lodge room, anterooms and clubroom occupy the second floor. The location is on Main street near the town hall.
The comtnitteees in charge of the dedication consisted of E. D. Bangs, Wilbur M. Cook and F. W. Bailey ritualistic work; E. P. Bartlett, N. E. Angus and Frank Wood, banquet; A. B. Rowcll, G. H. Chapman and John Hubbard, invitations; G. E. Stone, C. H. Edwards, L. S. Walker, music; E. W. Carpenter and W. A. Hyde, printing; F. H. Forristall, C. S. Tillson, J. S. Reed, M. B. Kingman and R. S. Morgan, decorations.
The general committee was E. W. Carpenter, J. W. T. Davis, J. R. Anderson, J B. Paige and H. D. Haskins, Past Masters of the lodge.
- Brown, Benson, DDGM, District 2 (Boston), 1992, 1993; N
- Linwood G. Buczala, DDGM, District 17 (Holyoke), 1997, 1998; expelled
- Edward W. Carpenter, DDGM, District 13 (Greenfield), 1903, 1904; SN
- Ithamar F. Conkey, DDGM, District 8 (Greenfield), 1867, 1868; Senior Grand Warden 1869
- H. Chapin Harvey, District 17 (Holyoke), 1969, 1970; N; Memorial
- Ralph N. Hosford, District 17 (Holyoke), 1959, 1960; SN
- Arthur N. Julian, District 17 (Holyoke), 1937, 1938; N
- Thomas Knudson, Jr., DDGM, District 3 (Chelsea), 1956, 1957; N
- Alexander Anderson MacKimmie, District 17 (Holyoke), 1927, 1928; Junior Grand Warden 1934; N
- John A. Mathews, DDGM, District 27, 2013, 2014
- James B. Paige, DDGM, District 17 (Holyoke), 1915, 1916; SN
- Oliver C. Roberts, District 17 (Holyoke), 1945, 1946; N
- Ithamar Conkey, Memorial
1883: District 13 (Greenfield)