Location: Woburn
Chartered By: Winslow Lewis
Charter Date: 12/10/1856 VI-64
Precedence Date: 12/13/1855 V-613
Current Status: Active
- Somerville merged here, 02/18/2017.
- David Tillson, 1855, 1856; Mem
- William D. Stratton, 1857-1859; SN
- Charles W. Stevens, 1860
- William T. Grammer, 1861, 1862; William T. Grammer
- Charles Kimball, 1863; Charles Kimball
- Horace Collamore, 1864, 1865
- Thomas G. Davis, 1866, 1867
- Alva S. Wood, 1868, 1869
- George H. Conn, 1870, 1871
- Nathan J. Simmons, 1872, 1873
- Amariah V. Haynes, 1874, 1875
- Charles H. Buss, 1876, 1877
- Charles A. Jones, 1878, 1879
- Charles A. Sweetser, 1880, 1881
- S. Franksford Trull, 1882, 1883
- Thomas J. White, 1884, 1885
- William F. Davis, 1886, 1887; William F. Davis
- Frank G. Richardson, 1888, 1889
- James A. Brown, 1890, 1891
- Alva J. Foster, 1892, 1893
- William H. Bowers, 1894, 1895
- Charles M. Howe, 1896, 1897
- Herbert B. Dow, 1898, 1899
- William C. Graham, 1900
- Frank G. Richardson, 1901, 1902
- George R. Ferguson, 1903
- Arthur U. Dickson, 1904, 1905
- Fred W. Shattuck, 1906, 1907
- George W. Buchanan, 1908, 1909
- Richard T. Mack, 1910, 1911
- Charles H. Buss, 1912, 1913
- John M. Wallace, 1914
- William F. Davis, Jr., 1915, 1916
- John H. Sweetser, 1917, 1918
- George J. Whithead, 1919
- Roger P. Eaton, 1920
- Alexander Wood, 1921
- William R. H. Campbell, 1922, 1923
- William W. Wade, 1924; N
- Phillip D. Gambell, 1925
- Clinton A. Scrivens, 1926, 1927
- Sydney A. Beggs, 1928
- Johannes Sorensen, 1929, 1930
- John W. Sweetser, 1930, 1931
- Maurice R. Greene, 1931
- Arthur D. Tilton, 1932
- S. Robert Cummings, 1933
- Robert J. Ray, 1934
- Nils A. Hultgren, 1935
- Robert A. Wills, 1936
- William J. Colvin, 1937
- Earl A. Carlton, 1938
- Sherwood E. Fuller, 1939
- Robert J. Scott, 1940; N
- Alvin L. Olson, 1941
- Wilfred L. Dwyer, 1942
- George P. Wyer, 1943
- Currier M. Thompson, 1944
- Weldon M. Huckins, 1945
- Olaf Olson, 1946
- C. Allen Sweetser, 1947
- Hugh W. McKee, 1948; N
- Carl H. Lentz, 1949
- Clinton B. Smith, 1950
- Lane E. Wheaton, 1951, N
- Winslow F. Burleigh, 1952
- Frank L. French, 1953
- Arthur M. Leland, 1954
- Clinton A. Kirkness, 1955
- Robert J. Farrell, 1956
- Herbert W. Crawford, 1957
- Robert G. Tillson, 1958
- Clifford E. Leavitt, 1959
- Chester A. Leland, 1960
- Richard N. Beaton, 1961
- Walter J. Jansky, 1962
- Robert G. Love, 1963
- Bruce J. McKee, 1964
- E. George Galinos, 1965
- Everett J. Bixby, Jr., 1966
- William R. Marson, 1967
- Warren E. Johnson, 1968
- Alexander N. Hetman, 1969
- Paul W. Ward, 1970
- William A. Irving, 1971
- Ronald S. Wheaton, 1972
- James E. McSweeney, 1973
- Charles E. Myers, 1974, 1994, 1995; N
- Robert G. Hansen, 1975
- Avery L. Larkin, 1976
- Bruce C. Murison, 1977
- John King, 1978
- Earl L. Greaves, 1979
- Emilio Joseph Cudoni, 1980
- Henry Slagmolen, 1981
- Dana G. Rodakis, 1982
- Richard A. Johnson, 1983
- Warren S. Baer, 1984
- Walter A. Tucker, 1985
- Douglas W. Black, 1986
- Robert J. Pridgen, 1987
- Adam G. Adams, 1988
- Karl O. Roth, 1989
- Thomas E. Moore, Jr., 1990
- Donald C. Murison, 1991
- George B. Pike, 1992
- Theodore S. Panek, 1993
- Charles A. Graham, 1996, 1997
- Donovan J. Pihlaja, 1998; PDDGM
- Paul E. Wheaton, 1999
- Ronald S. Wheaton, 2000
- Brian R. Wheaton, 2001-2003
- James R. McSweeney, Jr., 2004-2007
- Keith R. Hirst, 2008
- Kevin J. Willis, 2009, 2010; DDGM
- Paul K. Hirst, 2011
- Michael J. Davis, 2012
- Marcus V. Griep, 2013-15
- Kyle B. Haraldsen, 2015-16
- Randal K. Smallwood, 2016-17
- Daniel J. T. Daley, 2017-19
- Bruce G. MacNeil Jr., 2019-2021
- George A. Wiseman, 2022 (honorary)
- Gabriel H. Weinberg, 2021-2023
- Kevin Willis, 2024
- 1924 (Centenary of Freemasonry in Woburn)
- 1905 (50th Anniversary)
- 1929 (75th Anniversary)
- 1955 (Centenary)
- 2006 (150th Anniversary)
- 1856 (Lewis; Constitution of Lodge and installation)
- 1871 (Gardner; hall dedication; not in Proceedings; see below)
- 1881 (Lawrence)
- 1886 (Howland; 2 visits, including installation)
- 1891 (Wells)
- 1896 (Holmes)
- 1899 (Hutchinson)
- 1905 (Sanford; 50th Anniversary)
- 1908 (Blake)
- 1910 (Flanders)
- 1911 (Flanders)
- 1916 (M. Johnson)
- 1924 (Ferrell; Centenary of Freemasonry in Woburn; Special Communication)
- 1929 (H. Dean; 75th Anniversary; Special Communication)
- 1955 (W. Johnson; Centenary; Special Communication)
- 1976 (Maxwell; 2 visits; Corner stone laying and hall dedication; Special Communications)
- 1979 (Melanson)
- 1992 (Darling)
- 1994 (Lovering)
- 2006 (Hodgdon; 150th Anniversary)
- 2011 (Stewart)
- 2012 (Stewart; 2 visits, including installation)
- 2017 (David J. Lucas, Acting Grand Master; Consolidation; Special Communication)
1869 1874 1885 1887 1890 1892 1909 1912 1918 1923 1929 1939 1945 1949 1956 1960 1961 1971 1976 1996 2018
- 1924 ('"A Brief Sketch of Masonry in Woburn 1824 to 1924"', 1924-380)
- 1929 (75th Anniversary History, 1929-188)
- 1955 (Centenary History, 1955-297)
From Proceedings, Page 1924-380:
From Proceedings, Page 1955-297:
By Worshipful Hugh W. McKee and Worshipful Lewis S. Young.
Freemasonry in Woburn goes back to 1824. At that time Masons had to travel to West Cambridge or Charlestown to visit a Lodge. Hiram Lodge was located in West Cambridge (now Arlington), and King Solomon's Lodge was in Charlestown.
A group of Woburn men, headed by Benjamin B. Richardson, petitioned the Grand Lodge on March 10, 1824, asking for a Lodge in Woburn to be called Freedom Lodge. The petition was received and accepted on June 9, 1824.
Although tradition says that Freedom Lodge was instituted on January 24, 1824, in a building occupying the site of the Unitarian Church, there are no records to attest this statement. Tradition also says that a building standing on the site of our present Lodge was called the "Yellow Tavern" and owned by Benjamin Ford, and it contained apartments used by Freedom Lodge.
Grand Lodge records show that Freedom Lodge was duly constituted October 21, 1824, by a Deputy Grand Lodge.
R. W. William Richardson was installed as Master and Samuel Tidd as Secretary. A notice of the meeting appeared in the Columbian Sentinel October 6,1824, concerning the ceremony and stated that a dinner was given at "The Locks." Middlesex Canal connecting Boston to Lowell had been opened in 1803. The Inn stood opposite the Middle Lock near the entrance to the old Hudson Estate, Hudson Street and Arlington Road. The Inn Keeper was a Mr. Gillis. Here the Masons had their dinner. No other record of this meeting is available.
Freedom Lodge was prosperous until the Morgan incident. Nearly all Lodges in New York and Vermont were closed. Fifty-two of the one hundred seven in Massachusetts lost their Charters, including Freedom Lodge. Freedom Lodge was requested to surrender its Charter, jewels and records in 1831. Documentary evidence of Freedom Lodge was possessed by Mount Horeb Lodge in 1924 in the form of the consecrated Altar, at that time resting in the loft directly over the lodge-room.
Grand Lodge records of 1924 written by Wor. William F. Davis, Jr., state that this relic, battered and worn, shall remain with us always, forgetting that fire sometimes destroys many valuable monuments of antiquity.
Wor. Bro. Davis also informs us that the Rods carried by our present Deacons and Stewards are the original Rods used by Freedom Lodge, and that the tops are solid silver. No record exists as to who the officers of Freedom Lodge were except R.W. William Richardson. In 1924 a portrait of Marshall Tidd hung in the outer room of Mount Horeb Lodge, stating that he was a Past Master of Freedom Lodge. Two diplomas also hung on the wall attesting to this fact. One diploma stated that Wor. Bro. Tidd was made a Master Mason on November 9, 1825. The other was his Past Master's diploma in 1831 — rapid promotion in those days. Records of Freedom Lodge are unknown, but its activities were evidently suspended about 1831. The Charter demanded by the Grand Lodge could not be found and for many years its whereabouts was a mystery. Grand Lodge records seventeen years later state that R.W. Bro. Ordway had information that the Charter was in the hands of Brother Luke Fowle, who said that he would not give it up. Grand Lodge records of June 14, 1848, state that R.W. John Hammatt and Wor. Bro. Tuttle proceeded to Woburn and had an interview with Bro. Luke Fowle, who had in his possession the Charter, By-Laws, Records, Register and Regalia of Freedom Lodge. Brother Fowle stated that he regretted that Grand Lodge had intended to summons him and cheerfully surrendered the Charter and other property. He also stated that the Lodge had no funds. This Charter is not in existence today, as the Boston Masonic Temple was burned in 1864.
From 1831 until 1855 no Masonic Lodge existed in Woburn.
Men seeking admission were obliged to enter Masonrv through outside Lodges.
The need for a local Lodge was felt by certain Woburn men, and an informal meeting was held November 21, 1855. Eleven Brothers, four from Columbian Lodge, two from Saint Andrew, and five others signed a petition for a dispensation.
A second meeting, December 19, 1855, stated that Hiram Lodge in West Cambridge, now Arlington, recommended that a petition be granted, which was done. Most Worshipful Winslow Lewis appointed David Tillson to be Master, Jesse Converse, Jr., as Senior Warden, and William T. Grammer as Junior Warden. The dispensation bore the date of December 10, 1855, with precedence as of that date.
A committee was appointed to ask Brother Luke Fowle of Freedom Lodge for such Masonic articles as might be available. The Brethren failed to record the outcome of that meeting, but we are in possession of the rods.
The membership fee was $5.00, as it is today. By-Laws stated that the application must be accompanied by the sum of $5.00 and $15.00 more upon the completion of the degrees. After an applicant received his degrees, he had to make further application for membership and be elected by clear ballot. Nine applicants appeared at the third meeting on February 6, 1856, one of whom, Andrew Bates, withdrew after his election.
The first election saw a change in line of the officers. William D. Stratton was elected Worshipful Master. For the next sixty years most Masters served two terms. Brother Stratton became special D. D. G. M. in 1862.
Old timers in Mount Horeb included William Grammer, Edward Wadleigh, Alva Wood, Horace Collamore, Sparrow Horton, George H. Conn and Frederick A. Flint. Several old timers are related to later generations, as may be seen by the list of Past Masters.
Mount Horeb had apartments in the Wade Building until 1871, when present quarters were secured. The First National Bank Building had been erected before this date, but a mansard roof was erected on top of the flat roof to house the Lodge.
The lodge-rooms were destroyed by fire in 1936 and the mansard roof was removed, placing the Lodge on the third floor of the original building. The Deacons' and Stewards' Rods are still in use, as they were saved by several Brothers who went up the back fire escape after being refused entrance by Fire Chief Tracy.
In the early 1900's many of Woburn's merchants were members of Mount Horeb Lodge. Among these we find the Jaquiths (1897), Chutes (1909), John Bates (1908), Harry Blye (1900), A. W. Witcher (1897), Edward Caldwell (1896), Alvah Buckman (1909), Samuel Highley (1902), B. G. Fowler (1909), M. A. Burnes (1908), Winthrop Hammond (1894), J. Foster Deland (1885), Henry and John Andrews (1903), and L. W. Thompson (1877). Also the leading leather manufacturers, John P. Crane (1870), James Skinner (1869), Sumner Hopkinson (1908), Daniel R. Beggs (1907), Frederick C. Kean (1907).
Doctor Chalmers (1891), Dr. Hutchins (1893), Dr. Lane (1911), also found time to visit the Lodge. Brother Charles Burden of Burdett College drew the engraving which adorns our communications. Brother Burdett joined in 1891. His brother, Fred Burdett, was a visitor to our Lodge, he having membership in Boston.
In the year 1905 Mount Horeb Lodge celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in the Masonic Hall at 5:00 p.m. on December 10th. A reception to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, members of the Grand Lodge, and officers of Mount Horeb Lodge was held at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 a large banquet was served. The toastmaster was the presiding Master, Worshipful Arthur U. Dickson, and an address was made by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Baalis Sanford.
R.W. William T. Grammer spoke about our charter members. R. W. William F. Davis, who was Senior Grand Warden and a Past Master of Mount Horeb Lodge, spoke about "The whole fraternity on land and sea wherever dispersed." The Schubert Quartet sang five numbers during the evening, and Carter's Orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. The officers of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1905 at our "Fiftieth" anniversary were:
- Wor. Arthur U. Dickson, Master
- Bro. Fred Shattuck, Senior Warden
- Bro. George Buchanan, Junior Warden
- Bro. Abijah Thompson, Treasurer
- Bro. Charles H. Harrington, Secretary
- Bro. Charles A. Sweetser, Chaplain
- Bro. George R. Ferguson, Marshal
- Bro. Richard T. Mack, Senior Deacon
- Bro. Charles H. Buss, Junior Deacon
- Bro. John M. Wallace, Senior Steward
- Bro. Frank R. Clark, Junior Steward
- Bro. Amariah V. Haynes, Inside Sentinel
- Bro. William W. Crosby, Organist
- Bro. Frank Richardson, Tyler
- Bro. L. W. Thompson, Bro. Elliott Trull, Bro. C. Alonzo Pierce, Trustees
It is indeed significant on this great occasion of our one hundredth anniversary that the Supreme Architect has preserved Worshipful Arthur U. Dickson, who was Master of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1905, and God willing, will be with us to celebrate this anniversary on December 10, 1955, at which time he will be attaining the young age of ninety-eight. At the age of ninety he raised his own grandson in Mount Horeb Lodge. God bless you, Arthur, as you have set an example for all Brethren to follow. Indeed, you do reflect the real meaning of Masonry.
In 1914, Mount Horeb Lodge was saddened by the sudden loss of its Worshipful Master, John M. Wallace, who was installed Master on January 7, 1914, and died suddenly on April 14, 1914, at his place of employment in the Transcript Building in Boston immediately after returning from lunch. The Senior Warden, William F. Davis, Jr., served as Acting Master for the rest of the year.
In 1915, Wor. William F. Davis, Jr., was installed Master on January 1st, and was inducted into office by his father, R. W. William F. Davis, who was Acting Deputy Grand Master for the evening (he was also Master of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1886-1887), with over 300 members and visitors present. The installed Master's grandfather, Wor. Thomas G. Davis, was Master of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1866-1867, making three successive generations to hold the office of Master of Mount Horeb Lodge, which is indeed a very rare thing in Masonic history. R.W. William F. Davis, Sr., was also Mayor of Woburn in 1899, 1900 and 1901.
We have another family of four Past Masters in Mount Horeb Lodge, who have held office in succeeding generations: Wor. Charles A. Sweetser (1880-1881), his son Wor. John H. Sweetser (1918-1919), his two sons, Wor. John W. Sweetser (1930-1932), and Wor. C. Allen Sweetser (1947-1948). We are indeed proud of this record.
Another historical record of Mount Horeb Lodge was the laying of the corner stone of the present Woburn Post Office at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 10,1910, by the Grand Master and the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge. Worshipful Richard T. Mack represented Mount Horeb Lodge and made the address of request. Pictures of this historical event adorn the walls of our Masonic apartments. The 100th anniversary of the founding of Masonry in Woburn was observed with a banquet and special exercises under the auspices of Mount Horeb Lodge on November 18, 1924. The guests of honor included the Grand Master, Rev. Dudley H. Ferrell; Deputy Grand Master, Frank L. Simpson; Grand Secretary, Frederick W. Hamilton; Senior Grand Warden, D. Frank Luce; Grand Marshal, Frank H. Hilton, as well as other members of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and District Deputies, Fred L. Moses and Elon F. Tandy. William F. Davis, Jr., Past Master of Mount Horeb Lodge, read a paper on the history of the fraternal society in Woburn. Addresses were given by Grand Master Ferrell and Deputy Grand Master Simpson. William F. Davis, Past Senior Grand Warden and Senior Past Master of Mount Horeb Lodge, was toastmaster.
In 1948 Mount Horeb Lodge had to make a decision whether to continue renting its present apartments or seek a place of its own. A "Corporation" was formed to control this building. Committees were named for the raising of funds, and it was voted to purchase the building on Warren Avenue, directly opposite the Choate Hospital. Ownership was obtained of the building known as "The Warren Academy," and the architect was retained to draw plans for remodeling the building. These plans had been made and work was authorized, but exactly one week before this work was due to start someone set fire to the building and it was declared a total loss. However, the building was insured and the "Corporation" received insurance accordingly. The land was then sold and the proceeds were put into the funds controlled by this Corporation for some future expansion of Mount Horeb Lodge.
Again in 1953 Mount Horeb Lodge was approached to make an offer to purchase the Unitarian Church in Woburn Center, but the cost to execute the changes necessary for Lodge apartments was prohibitive. The present building where Mount Horeb Lodge is located is owned by the F. W. Woolworth Company, who have been gracious and kind in all our transactions. It is unfortunate that Mount Horeb Lodge did not have the foresight years ago to purchase the present building, as no doubt it would have been a good investment. We are looking forward to the future generation to carry out the dream of a Masonic Temple in Woburn.
Mount Horeb Lodge has grown from its original eleven members in 1855 to 172 at the turn of the century and to its present membership of 486 in 1955.
May we carry out the tradition of our forefathers and look forward to the next generation to teach friendship, morality and Brotherly love, and die in the hope of a glorious immortality.
- 1889 (Proposal to amend Grand Constitutions; 1889-31)
From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. XVI, No. 3, December 1856, Page 82:
This is a new Lodge, located at Woburn, in Middlesex County. The Dispensation under which it has been working the past year, was granted in December 1855. During the year it has been eminently successful, both in the number and character of its initiates; and has wisely improved the time of its probation in fitting up for its future accommodation one of the neatest halls in the jurisdiction. It is not large, though probably of sufficient capacity for all the purposes for which it will be required ; but that which particularly commends it to the visitor, is the excellent good taste displayed in its furniture and fittings. In this important respect it has but few if any superiors in the Commonwealth.
The Lodge having worked its year under Dispensation, and its work having been such as to meet with the approval of the Grand Lodge, received its Charter on the 10th ultimo; and on the evening of the 15th, it was Consecrated, its new hall Dedicated, and its officers Installed, by the M. W. Grand Lodge, in "due and ancient form," in the presence of a large number of Brethren from the neighboring Lodges — the M. W. Grand Master, Dr. Lewis, officiating in person, assisted by the chief officers of the Grand Lodge. At the close of the services he addressed the Lodge in his usual happy manner, — giving the Brethren such counsel and advice as the occasion seemed to authorize.
After the completion of the services at the hall, the Brethren, including the Grand Lodge and invited guests, were invited to the Central House, where a bountiful entertainment was elegantly spread for their refreshment. Here an hour was most agreeably, and it is believed, not unprofitably spent — whether physically or intellectually regarded. The company broke up at an early hour, and the Grand Lodge returned to the city, highly gratified, not more with the cordial reception they had met with, than by the excellent character and efficiency of the promising Lodge to which they had given legal form and permanency.
The following neat and peculiarly appropriate poem was spoken on the occasion, for a copy of which we are indebted to the politeness of the author:—
Delivered by Bro. C. W. Stevens, at the Dedication of Mount Horeb Lodge, in Woburn, Mass.,
Monday Evening, Dee. 15th, 1856, A. L. 5856.
Ages on ages long have passed away
Since first our earth in silent chaos lay;
When through the darkness of eternal night
Proclaimed that solemn Voice, "Let there be Light."
See in the East the glorious Sun arise,
And spread its radiance to the Western Skies:
Before the All-seeing-Eye the stars unfold,
And deck the orient of the new-born world:
Rocks, hills, and mountains, rise in vast array
To crown the glories of the second day.
Trace we the progress of a thousand years,
Nature asserts her sway and art appears;
Raised by our first Most Royal Master's hands,
The lofty temple, now completed, stands
A living witness of the Master's will,
Of Craftsmen's labor, and Masonic skill:
The lapse of time, the invader's ruthless hand,
In waste has laid, what human wisdom plann'd :
Its walls of granite, raised without a sound,
Are strewn in ruins on the sacred ground.
Unharmed by time, Freemasonry survives;
A lasting monument to admiring eyes:
The attentive ear receives the instructive sound,
And faithful breasts the myst'ries keep profound,
Transmitted unimpaired, from age to age,
Without a blot to mar our mystic page:
Proof of my song, assembled here to-night
See social joys and intercourse unite
To strengthen more and more that union strong,
Defend the right, and deprecate the wrong.
See old and young assembled round our board,
What skill we have, what minds with wisdom stor'd!
Had threatening clouds obscured our rising sun
The Wind's-low breeze had safely borne us on:
And as the future opens on our sight,
One voice we hear, which still is Heard to-night.
May we but follow, as that voice shall lead.
So plainly spoken, " he that runs may read." In
social brotherhood we've met again,
To add one link to our still lengthening chain;
One that shall add new lustre to our fame,
And long, unstained, perpetuate the name.
And while our ancient craft thus wide expands;
We Hail with joy, warm hearts, and willing hands.
We feel our Tenets safe with such as these;
We know your Work, we know your power to please;
We wish you every blessing earth can give;
In Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty may you live;
May no Rough Ashlers strew your path of life,
But peace and concord bear you through the strife;
And when your earthly Lodge is closed at last,
And from these scenes, terrestrial, you are rais'd,
May you be raised to that sublime abode,
And join the Supreme Architect, your God.
The following officers, who had been chosen for the ensuing year, were installed : Wm. D. Stratton, Master; William T. Grammer, S. W.; J. Franklin Bates, J. W.; George Butler, Treasurer; Horace Collamore, Secretary.
From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. XIX, No. 7, May 1860, Page 224:
Mount Horeb Lodge, Woburn, held a public festive meeting last month, at which the lady friends of the members were present. An address was delivered by Bro. C. W. Stevens, Master of the Lodge, which is well spoken of. It was a very agreeable occasion.
From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. XX, No. 3, January 1860, Page 86:
At the Annual Communication of this Lodge, held on the evening of Dec. 5, the following officers ere elected for the ensuing year :—
- William T. Grammer, W. Master.
- Charles Kimball, S. Warden.
- Dr. William Ingalls, J. Warden.
- George S. Conn, Secretary.
- Horace Collamore, Treasurer.
- Thomas S. Davis, S. Deacon.
- Richard B. Bean, J. Deacon.
- John P. Stevens, S. Steward
- David Tillson, J. Steward.
The retiring Master, W. Bro. Chas. W. Stevens, installed the Master elect in a maimer creditable and satisfactory; after which the remaining officers were installed in their respective stations by the new Master.
From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. XXX, No. 7, May 1871, Page 219:
The above Lodge was instituted during the administration of R. W. Bro. Winslow Lewis, under a Dispensation, December 10, 1855, and received its Charter December 10, 1856, as the successor, though having no immediate connection with, Freedom Lodge in the same town, chartered in 1824, but which broke down and was dissolved during the anti-Masonic persecution. We believe that but two of the members of the old Lodge were among the petitioners for the new one; but however this may be, the latter assumed a high stand at its beginning, laid its foundations firmly, and is now one of the most respectable, pros-porous and best governed Lodges in the jurisdiction, having a membership of one hundred zealous and active brethren. The apartments which it has heretofore occupied, having been found unequal to meet the demands of its rapid growth, and in other respects inconvenient for its purposes, it has recently erected for its future accommodation, one of the most beautiful and convenient halls in the Commonwealth, the dedication of which took place on the 19th ult. The ceremony was performed by the Grand Master in person, assisted by the requisite number of Officers of the Grand Lodge, and commenced by a voluntary on the organ and a formal reception. This was followed by an appropriate prayer by the Senior Grand Chaplain, and temporary Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, Bro. Rev. Chas. H. Titus. An ode was then sung by the choir, beginning "Master Supreme, accept our praise, Still bless this consecrated band; Parent of Light, illume our ways, And guide us by thy sovereign hand."
Then followed the usual addresses by the Architect and the Master of the Lodge. An official examination of the premises was next made and the dedicatory ceremonies followed in the usual form ; at the conclusion of which Grand Master Gardner delivered an address of great excellence, and singularly well adapted to the occasion, in which he sketched with ability and learning the history of dedicatory services as performed by religious and secular societies of various characters and denominations, from the earliest times, and closed with a warm -and hearty approval of the labors of the brethren, and the good taste they had displayed in the preparation and furnishing of their new and beautiful apartments. The ceremonies were then closed by a chant by the choir, and prayer by the Grand Chaplain ; after which the brethren repaired to the banquetting hall where an agreeable hour was spent in festive enjoyment. Short speeches were here made by the Master of the Lodge, the Grand Master and R. W. Bros. Woodbury, Parkman, Titus, and Moore, who, leaving the brethren of the Lodge to the further enjoyments of the evening, took the cars at an early hour for Boston.
From Liberal Freemason, Vol. VI, No. 11, February 1883, Page 351:
The following officers of Mount Horeb Lodge of Masons, for the year ensuing, were recently installed by R. W. Thos. S. Spurr and suite : W. M., S. F. Trull; S. W., Thomas J. White; J. W., L. Fowle; Treas., F. B. Dodge; Sec., L. W. Thompson; S. D., W. F. Davis; J. D., F. G. Richardson; S. D., C. R. Brown; J. S., W. P. DeFriez; C., A. Thompson; O., J. C. Buck; I. S., L. W. Perham; Tyler, A. V. Haynes.
From Liberal Freemason, Vol. XI, No. 10, January 1888, Page 318:
The following officers of Mt. Horeb Lodge, F. and A. M., were installed on Wednesday evening, January 4th, by J. M. Gleason, S. G. W. of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts: Frank G. Richardson, W. M.; Charles R. Brown, S. W.; James A. Brown, J. W.; Abijah Thompson, Treasurer; John H. Ropes, Secretary; B. F. Whittemore, Chaplain; Thomas J. White, Marshal; Alva J. Foster, S. D.; William H. Bowers, J. D.; C. M. Howe, S. S.; F. D. Merrill, J. S.; Loren W. Perham, I. S.; John C. Buck, Organist; John E. Tidd, Tyler.
From New England Craftsman, Vol. I, No. 5, February 1906, Page 174:
Mount Horeb Lodge, Woburn, Mass.
Fiftieth Anniversary.
Among the matter not included in our January number for want of space was mention of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mount Horeb Lodge of Woburn, Mass., which was observed on Sunday and Monday the 10th and 11th of December. The service on Sunday was a recognition of the anniversary by public religious service at 3 o'clock P. M. in the First Unitarian Church in Woburn where a sermon was delivered by Rev. Brother William H. Rider in connection with an appropriate musical and sacred service specially arranged for the occasion on Monday the 11th a Special Communication of Mount Horeb Lodge was opened in Masonic Hall at five o'clock in the afternoon at which the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and other grand officers were received. A banquet was served at six thirty-after which numerous excellent speeches were made in response to toasts given by Worshipful Arthur U. Dickson who acted as toastmaster for the occasion. Music was furnished by the Schubert quarts and Carter's orchestra.
A handsome souvenir program I was presented to all who were pre, sent which contained the picture of David Tillson who was the first Worshipful Master of the lodge in 1855 and Arthur U. Dickson the present Worshipful Master.
Two of the charter members of Mount Horeb Lodge are still living, Bro. (Col.) William T. Grammer and Bro Samuel S. Miles. One brother connected with this lodge, Brother Amariah V. Haynes, has the remarkable record of not missing a single communication of the lodge during the past 39 years.
The speakers who responded toasts were: Most Wor. Baalis Sanford, Rt. Wor. William T. Grammar, Rt. Wor. William F. Davis, Wor. and Rev. William H. Rider. Wor. Herbert B. Dow and Rt. Wor. William M. Belcher.
- William F. Davis, DDGM, District 6 (Somerville), 1891, 1892; Senior Grand Warden 1905
- Sergio R. DeAssis, DDGM, District 4, 2018, 2019
- William T. Grammer, DDGM, District 17 (Woburn), 1872; Senior Grand Warden 1874
- Charles Kimball, DDGM, District 7 (Lowell), 1867, 1868; Senior Grand Warden 1872
- Hugh W. McKee, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 1963, 1964; N
- Robert McNary, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 2001, 2002; N
- Charles E. Myers, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 1983, 1984; N
- Donovan J. Pihlaja, DDGM, District 2 (Boston), 2000, 2001
- Robert J. Scott, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 1947, 1948; N
- William D. Stratton, Grand Marshal 1862-1868; SN
- William W. Wade, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 1927, 1928; N
- Lane E. Wheaton, DDGM, District 6 (Arlington), 1957, 1958; N
- Kevin J. Willis, DDGM, District 13, 2014, 2015; Deputy Grand Master 2017
- David Tillson, Memorial
The curator for this page is Brother Frank J. Kautz II. Please direct informational updates and questions to him.