From MasonicGenealogy
This is an open-ended project, but there are specific tasks that are either in progress or in need of attention. If you'd like to work on one, please sign up below.
- Reformatting all Lodge pages by sorting out Proceedings References.
- Walter (hotc1733).
- Master page: Massachusetts Lodges main page
- Status: ongoing.
- Pages with no preceding symbol are complete
- Pages with a preceding • are missing something, usually a Past Master list
- Pages with a preceding x are usually pre-1792 lodges for which I have little information
- Year pages from 1755 to 1791.
- Walter (hotc1733).
- Master page: Massachusetts Years main page
- Status: ongoing.
- Pages with a ★ have been updated
- Pages with a ☆ have the correct lodge listing, but nothing else
- Pages with no symbol have only the Grand Master name and not much else
- Grand Constitutions (1953) updates and changes
- needs attention
- Master page: 1953 Grand Constitution
- Status: changes incomplete; I stopped updating this in the mid-1970s.
- Required: a look at the Proceedings from about 1975 to the present, with changes edited in according to the style given.
- Moore's Freemason's Monthly additions
- Walter (hotc1733).
- Master page: none in general; edicts linked from main Edicts page
- Status: all relevant entries extracted. All rulings added, still many unfiled articles.
- Required: To be entered.
- Master Histories Page
- Walter (hotc1733) to start, but I'd like help with scanning
- In process.
- I'm in the process of adding historical essays from the Proceedings, but this is a slow process. Anyone who would like to volunteer to scan material from the Proceedings and add it to a relevant lodge page history section (see, for example, St. Matthew's Centennial History, found in the 1922 Proceedings).
- I have scanned all histories from 1922, 1941-1945, 1967, 1979, and 1982 as they have come into my hands; I have PDF versions of the Proceedings from 1733-1905, as well as 1911, 1914-1919, and 2002-present, so they don't need attention. I have an OCR conversion program if the PDF doesn't allow select and copy/paste.
- Past Master Lists
- everyone and anyone
- Master page: PMs Needed master page
- Status: See that page for lists of active lodges currently needed. There are numerous no longer active lodges that also need to be compiled.
- Pictures, particularly of Past Masters and Permanent Members
- everyone and anyone
- I only have a few lodges where I have PM pictures; anyone who can put together a set of pictures of Past Masters or distinguished Brothers is welcome to supply them and we'll get them put up.
- A large number of Permanent Members have no pictures on their pages; on the people master page they are indicated by the absence of a © symbol.
- Biographies of Permanent Members
- everyone and anyone
- By comparison there are relatively few Permanent Members (deceased) lacking a biography or memorial. However, there are a fair number of living Permanent Members with no text on their page (they lack a ¶ symbol next to their names).
- Trowel Article Index
- anyone who wants to volunteer
- Master page: Trowel Index
- Complete through 2009. I'd really like to scan some of this material.
- Blackstone River 1875
- Constellation 1822, 1830, 1831, 1836-1838
- Evening Star 1803-1820
- Franklin 1853-1861
- Siloam 1866, 1867, 1872
- Trinity 1868
- Wisdom 1804-1834, 1856-1862
- Army 1921, 1922
- Aconcagua 1872-1880
- Benjamin Franklin 1855-1858
- Charity (Mendon) 1803-1816, 1818-1834
- Clinton 1831-1834
- Fayette 1797-1801, 1803-1830
- Federal 1792, 1793, 1795-1801, 1806, 1807, 1809-1830
- Humanity 1811-1813, 1815-1834
- Pacific (1801) 1827-1834
- St. Peter's 1795-1797, 1799, 1800, 1808-1810, 1817-1835
- Adoniram (Maine)
- Eastern (Maine)
- Freeport (Maine)
- Hancock (Maine), 1807-1815, 1817-1820
- Kennebec (Maine)
- Maine (Maine), 1811-1818
- Orient (Maine)
- Pythagorean (Maine)
- Saco (Maine)
- Solar (Maine)
- St. George (Maine)
- Temple (Maine)
- Union (Maine)
- United (Maine)
- Village (Maine)
- Warren (Maine)