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=== HISTORY ===
=== HISTORY ===
* '''[http://www.masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MassachusettsYear1945 1945]''' (25th Anniversary History, 1945-59)
* '''[http://www.masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MassachusettsYear1945 1945]''' (25th Anniversary History, 1945-59; see below)
* '''[http://www.masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MassachusettsYear1970 1970]''' (50th Anniversary History, 1970-96)
* '''[http://www.masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MassachusettsYear1970 1970]''' (50th Anniversary History, 1970-96; see below)
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It is characteristic of his innate modesty that he did not include any reference to his honor in the History for which he was principally responsible.
It is characteristic of his innate modesty that he did not include any reference to his honor in the History for which he was principally responsible.
''From Proceedings, Page 1970-96:''
''By Wor. Herbert V. Canfield.''
On searching through the records of Mystic Valley Lodge, since the Institution of the Lodge on April 8, 1920, many interesting facts have been brought forth and the distinctive records of talented and dedicated officers and members who have served the Lodge and masonry in general have been noted.
The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary was celebrated on April 12, 1945 and the history was ably written by Brother William A. Lefavour, Secretary Emeritus. He had served Mystic Valley Lodge with distinction in the office of the Secretary from April 8, 1920 to September 26, 1940, and was honored by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge with the presentation of the Joseph Warren Medal and by Mystic Valley Lodge by election to Honorary Membership.
In writing this history for the Fiftieth Anniversary, the previous history as well as the records so completely recorded by our secretaries was consulted as a text. To this was added personal knowledge of the officers and events for recent years.
During the period of World War I there was a heavy influx of applicants seeking the degrees. This condition continued for a considerable period thereafter and the membership in all lodges increased to an almost staggering degree. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts took recognition of this condition and the burden it was placing on the officers of the Lodges preventing them from performing the other necessary and important functions and duties attending Masonry.
At the annual convocation of the Grand Lodge in December 1919 it was voted to authorize the appointment of a committee, as recommended by the Grand Master in his annual address, to consider the ever increasing membership and offer suggestions looking to the best interest of Masonry in general and the individual Lodges in particular.  This committee was headed by Past Grand Master Most Worshipful [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=GMMJohnson Melvin M. Johnson].
During this period of time, [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=WilliamParkman William Parkman] Lodge was holding four communications a month, at some of which two degrees were worked. This number of candidates was imposing considerable pressure and strain upon the officers of the Lodge to cope with this great amount of work.
In January 1920 it was considered timely and advisable by several members of William Parkman Lodge that consideration be given to the organization of a second Lodge in Winchester. Several meetings were held at the home of Right Worshipful [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MAGLWBelcher William M. Belcher], with Brothers Amasa Harrington, Harris M. Richmond, Harry Y. Nutter and Harris S. Richardson attending, to consider the organization of a new Lodge and the proper procedure to be followed. The decision was reached to take the necessary steps leading to an application for a dispensation from the Grand Master for the establishment of a new Lodge to be known as "Mystic Valley."
On February 10, 1920 a formal petition was presented to the Master, Wardens and members of William Parkman Lodge requesting their permission for the organization of a new Lodge. This petition was signed by the following Brethren:
* R.W. William M. Belcher   
* Amasa Harrington
* Harris M. Richmond
* Edward E. Thompson
* Gordon E. Musselman
* Hollis E. Riddle
* Elmer R. Glidden
* Arthur E. Gates
* Robert F. Guild
* Herbert C. Ross
* J. Lawton Whitlock
* Benjamin T. Morgan
* Otto Abrahamsen
* William Elliot
* G. Leonard McNeill
* Adna E. Smalley
* William M. Smith
* Charles W. Tarbell
* John A. Jones
* Charles T. Brown
* Edward J. Sears
* Bowen Tufts
The requested permission of William Parkman Lodge was granted and the approval of the District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth Masonic District was secured. A petition in the required form was then drawn up and presented to the Grand Master, Most Worshipful [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=GMPrince Arthur D. Prince]. The dispensation under which the new Lodge was to function was granted and signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master on March 9, 1920. Mystic Valley Lodge U. D. was then organized with eighty-five Charter Members.
The first recorded meeting of Mystic Valley Lodge U. D. was held in the Winchester Masonic Apartments on April 8, 1920. The dispensation granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master was delivered to R. W. William M. Belcher (who was designated to be Worshipful Master of the new Lodge), by R. W. Charles H. Miles, District Deputy Grand Master of the [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MASomerville6_1911-1926 Sixth Masonic District]. Mystic Valley Lodge U.D. was then organized and the following officers were conducted to their stations by the District Deputy Grand Marshal:
* R. W. William M. Belcher, Master
* Bro. Amasa Harrington, Senior Warden
* Bro. Harris M. Richmond, Junior Warden
* Bro. Franklin E. Crawford, Treasurer
* Bro. Edward E. Thompson, Secretary
* Wor. Benjamin T. Morgan, Marshal
* Bro. Rev. Alliston B. Gieford, Chaplain
* Bro. Gordon E. Musselman, Senior Deacon
* Bro. J. Lawton Wiiitlock, Junior Deacon
* Bro. Elmer E. Glidden, Senior Steward
* Bro. Adna E. Smalley, Junior Steward
* Bro. Robert F. Guild, Inside Sentinel
* Bro. F. Percyval Lewis, Organist
* Bro. Warren F. Foster, Tyler
At the Regular Communication of William Parkman Lodge held on March 9, 1920, it was voted that Mystic Valley Lodge be granted the free use of the apartments, regalia and other paraphernalia controlled and belonging to William Parkman Lodge while Mystic Valley Lodge was acting under dispensation. Mystic Valley Lodge, at the meeting held on April 8, 1920, voted that the thanks of Mystic Valley Lodge be conveyed to William Parkman Lodge for this generous offer.
Mystic Valley Lodge, U.D. acted under dispensation from April 8, 1920 to December 30, 1920. During this period of time the following Brothers were Initiated, Passed and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason:
* Robert Weeks Armstrong
* Warner Spencer Doane
* McLean Frank Wesley
* Fred Curtis Wormelle
* Charles Hildreth Wooley

* Arthur Eugene French
* Ralph Davis Joslin
* William Asa LeFavour
* Allen Howland Wood, Jr.
* Richard Monroe Clifton
* Kenneth McLaren Stewart
It is with interest and great honor to record here as we prepare to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary, that two of the above Brothers, Ralph Davis Joslin and Richard Monroe Clifton are about to receive their fifty-year Veteran's Medal. Brother Ralph Davis Joslin is confined to the Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Brother Richard Monroe Clifton is a most regular attendant at the meetings of Mystic Valley Lodge.
On December 30, 1920 a Special Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was held in the Winchester Masonic Apartments for the purpose of Constituting Mystic Valley Lodge. (1921 Mass. 1-5) The proceedings were preceded by a complimentary dinner to the Grand Officers, other guests and members of the Lodge. Grand Lodge was opened in Ample Form in a room adjoining the apartments and then proceeded in an impressive procession into the lodge room where M.W. Arthur D. Prince, Grand Master, with a distinguished suite of Grand Officers, formally Constituted Mystic Valley Lodge and installed the following officers:
* R. W. William M. Belcher, Worshipful Master
* Bro. Amasa Harrington, Senior Warden
* Bro. Harris M. Richmond, Junior Warden
* Bro. Franklin E. Crawford, Treasurer
* Bro. Edward E. Thompson, Secretary
* Wor. Benjamin T. Morgan, Marshal
* Bro. Rev. Alliston B. Gifford, Chaplain
* Bro. T. Parker Clarke, Senior Deacon
* Bro. J. Lawton Whitlock, Junior Deacon
* Bro. John Carruthers, Senior Steward
* Bro. Fred C. Wormelle, Junior Steward
* Bro. Robert F. Guild, Inside Sentinel
* Bro. F. Percyval Lewis, Organist
* Bro. Dana C. Pickering, Tyler
At the close of the Special Communication for the Constitution of Mystic Valley Lodge held on December 30, 1920, R.W. Brother Belcher presented the Grand Master, M. W. [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=GMPrince Arthur D. Prince], with a check in the amount of $125.00 which represented a 125% subscription to the George Washington Memorial Fund. This was a fitting close to an eventful and historical meeting.
Mystic Valley Lodge, while not experiencing spectacular growth in membership through this first fifty years, can be very proud of the true Masonic spirit which has prevailed among the officers and members through the years. It has ever been distinguished as being a friendly Lodge showing true Masonic spirit and affording a cordial welcome to its many visitors. The Lodge has always been one of the first to complete or exceed any request from the Grand Lodge or District Deputy Grand Master for any charitable or other worthwhile purpose.
Mystic Valley Lodge may also take great pride in the record of masonic and public service and the distinction of many of its Past Masters and members.
* R. W. ''William M. Belcher'', who was the eighteenth Master of William Parkman Lodge 1897-1898, served Mystic Valley Lodge as its first Master and was most instrumental in the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge. R. W. Brother Belcher was D. D. G. Master of the Sixth Masonic District for the years 1904-1905 and his long service extended to Senior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in the year 1908. R. W. Brother Belcher was also the architect of the form and material for the printing of the attractive front cover of our Lodge notice depicting the Town Hall and its reflection in the waters of the Abcrjona River with the surrounding scenery. The first notice to be so printed was on March 15, 1921 and continues to the present time. R.W. Brother Belcher was also one of the organizers of the Sixth District Past Masters' Association and was its first President in 1908.    R.W. Brother Belcher was awarded the Henry Price Medal for his long and distinctive service to Masonry.
* Wor. ''Amasa Harrington'', the second Master of Mystic Valley Lodge for the years 1921-1922 also served his Lodge and the craft in general with great distinction. Wor. Bro. Harrington was awarded the Joseph Warren Medal in 1931 for his distinguished service to Masonry. He also served as recorder of Orient Council for thirty-five years.
* The third Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, R. W. ''Harris M. Richmond'', was one of the guiding hands in the organization of the Lodge. He was Master for the years 1922-1924. At the Annual Meeting at the close of his second term as Master, on December 4, 1924, Wor. Bro. Richmond was nominated and elected to the office of Treasurer. He served in this office for seven years until his appointment by the Most Worshipful Cirand Master as District Deputy Grand Master for the Somerville Sixth Masonic District.
In searching through the records of the Lodge, it is interesting to note that the first Official Visitation by the D. D. G. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge took place on the evening of September 27, 1921 at the Eleventh Special Communication of the Lodge. R.W. Percy W. Witherell, D. D. G. Master for the Sixth Masonic District, a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge was accompanied by his D. D. G. Marshal, Wor. Ernest W. Hatch, also a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge and a suite of 51 distinguished Masons. There were 59 members of Mystic Valley Lodge present and 58 visitors making the total attendance including the suite at this meeting 168.
In June of 1924 the Most Worshipful Grand Master requested donations from the Lodges for the purpose of furnishing the new Williams Memorial addition to the Masonic Home in Charlton. Mystic Valley Lodge being a new Lodge did not have sufficient funds in the treasury from which to contribute. An appeal was made to the membership and the sum of $250.00 was contributed by the members for this worthwhile purpose.
Mystic Valley Lodge grew and prospered to a reasonable degree for the first eight years holding many Special Communications in addition to the Regular Communications each month. Following the financial and business crash beginning in 1928, Mystic Valley Lodge as well as other Lodges, experienced a marked decrease in the number of applicants for the degrees and consequently a decrease in the financial position of the Lodge. This condition existed for a period of several years through the 1930's and was also the cause of many members to request demits. From 1928 through 1939 there were a total of 47 demits issued to members.
A Special Communication of Mystic Valley Lodge was held on April 11, 1930 in celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Institution of the Lodge. The guest of honor on that occasion was M. W. Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts and an honorary member of Mystic Valley Lodge. M. W. Arthur D. Prince granted the dispensation for the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge and presided at the Constitution of the Lodge on December 30, 1920. R. W. Charles H. Miles who was presiding D. D. G. M. at the time of the Institution and Constitution of Mystic Valley Lodge was conducted to the East and re-enactment of the Institution of Mystic Valley Lodge took place with most of the original officers filling the stations held at the time of the Institution ten years previous to this occasion.
The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Mystic Valley Lodge was fittingly celebrated at the Two Hundred and Thirty-Ninth Regular Communication on April 12, 1945. ''(1945 Mass. 55-87)'' Wor. Leroy T. Downer opened Lodge in Form at 6:00 P.M. and a short business meeting was held. Brother Isaiah A. Bullard who was Raised in [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=Soley Soley] Lodge on March 15, 1926 was elected to membership by affiliation in Mystic Valley Lodge. Immediately following the election of Bro. Bullard, the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment to join the M. W. Grand Master, M. W. [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=GMWragg Samuel H. Wragg] and other distinguished Grand Lodge Officers and guests, for a bountiful roast beef dinner.
At 7:40 P.M. the Lodge was called from refreshment to labor again to officially receive the Most Worshipful Grand Master. M. W. [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=GMWJohnson Whitfield W. Johnson], who at this time was R. W. Whitfield W. Johnson, was Grand Marshal of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. R. W. Paul Nye Shiverick was appointed Chairman of a Committee composed of all Past Masters present to greet and conduct the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Suite into the Lodge. The first action of the M. W. Grand Master upon assuming the East was to cause the Lodge to stand in silence out of respect to Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, who it had just been learned had been called to the Celestial Lodge above where the Grand Architect of the universe presides. The history for the first twenty-five years of the Lodge was read by Bro. LeFavour and brought high compliments from the M.W. Grand Master and the Brethren present. iVI.W. Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand Master of Masons, who issued the dispensation for the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge and presided at the Constitution of the Lodge on December 30, 1920, sent greetings and regrets for his inability to attend this occasion. Wor. Leroy T. Downer had that day sent flowers to M.W. Arthur D. Prince in regret of his inability to attend. All living Past Masters, with the exception of Wor. J. Lawton Whitlock, were present for the celebration of this twenty-fifth anniversary.
Mystic Valley Lodge is indebted to many other Past Masters, Secretaries, Treasurers, Chaplains, Organists and Tylers who have unselfishly and with great honor to themselves and the Fraternity served in their respective capacities over the past fifty years.
* Wor. ''T. Parker Clarke'' was the fourth Worshipful Master to serve the Lodge in that high office in the years 1925-1926. Wor. Bro. Clarke was Raised in Amicable Lodge on March 7, 1905 and was a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge. Wor. Bro. Clarke, following his two terms as Master, served as Proxy to the Grand Lodge for many years.  He also served as ritualist and was responsible for the excellent ritual for which the officers of Mystic Valley Lodge were noted. In addition, he served as a member of the District Committee of the Masonic Service Bureau and as an instructor of the 13th Lodge of Instruction. VVor. Bro. Clarke was honored by the M.W. Grand Lodge in 1939 by being awarded the Joseph Warren Medal for distinguished service to the Craft. Wor. Bro. Clarke was called to the Celestial Lodge above on October 9, 1958. He will always be fondly remembered by those who had the great pleasure of his association, counsel and friendship.
* R. W. ''John Carruthers'', who served as Worshipful Master for the years 1928-1930, was the last Charter Member to serve in that office. R. W. Bro. Carruthers served both Mystic Valley Lodge and the Grand Lodge with great honor and distinction over a period of forty-nine years. He was Raised in Wyoming Lodge on June 24, 1915 and was the sixth Master of Mystic Valley Lodge. On December 10, 1931, he was elected Treasurer of the Lodge upon the resignation from that office of R.W. Harris M. Richmond who found the duties of D.D.G.M. of the Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District too demanding on his time to continue in that office. R.W. Bro. Carruthers continued to serve as Treasurer until September 1967, a period of thirty-six years. In the year 1940, the Advisory Finance Committee of Grand Lodge, of which Wor. Bro. Carruthers was a member, made an exhaustive study of the finances of Grand Lodge and the constituent Lodges. Most of the work by this committee was done by Wor. John Carruthers who was a professional in this field. Wor. Bro. Carruthers was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1940 by the Massachusetts Grand Lodge. He was shortly thereafter appointed Chairman of the Grand Lodge Finance Advisory Committee and continued to serve in that capacity until his death on April 4, 1969. He was responsible for Mystic Valley Lodge's excellent set of By-Laws that are presently being used by the Grand Lodge Committee on Charters and By-Laws as a model. R.W. Bro. Carruthers was appointed to serve as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Illinois near the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1945 and continued to serve in that capacity until 1969. R.W. Bro. Carruthers was a most valued counselor to the succeeding Masters of Mystic Valley Lodge and was looked up to with great honor and respect. His presence will forever be missed.
* R. W. ''Paul Nye Shiverick'' served Mystic Valley Lodge as Worshipful Master for a two-year term from 1930-1932 and was the first initiate following the Constitution of the Lodge in December 1930 to become Master of the Lodge. While serving as Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, he was selected by R.W. Harris M. Richmond to serve as his D.D.G. Secretary of the Sixth (Somerville) District. Mystic Valley Lodge was highly honored in December 1938 by his appointment as District Deputy Grand Master of the [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MASomerville6_1927-2003 Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District]. He selected as his Marshal, Wor. Charles P. Downer, who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1934-1936 and as his D. D. G. Secretary, Wor. Francis Tremberth, who was at the time serving as Master of Mystic Valley Lodge. R.W. Bro. Shiverick had a long and distinguished Masonic career, covering a period of forty-five years. He served as Representative to the Board of Masonic Relief for many years. He also served for many years as Grand Lodge Representative to the Grand Lodge of Austria near the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. He was honored by the M. W. Grand Lodge in 1962 for his long and devoted service to Masonry by being awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. R.W. Bro. Shiverick was a tower of strength to Mystic Valley Lodge and his wise counsel and friendly advice were called upon by all succeeding Masters. R.W. Bro. Shiverick in his forty-five years as an officer and Member of Mystic Valley Lodge rarely missed a meeting and his death on December 30, 1966 was a great loss to Mystic Valley Lodge.
* Wor. John W. Bodman, having been elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge at the Annual Meeting held on September
10, 1936, was officially installed on October 8, 1936 with very impressive ceremonies. The records reveal a large attendance totaling one hundred and five being present at this meeting. Most of the visitors being business associates of Wor. Bro. Bodman represented forty-six different Lodges in eight different Masonic districts. Wor. Bro. Bodman was elected to serve a second term as Master on September 30, 1937.
* It was customary for the officers of the Lodge to serve two years in each station. Following the second term as Master of Wor. ''George F. Deroo, Jr.'', and beginning with the installation of Wor. ''Leon E. Leavitt'' on October 12, 1950, the officers have served terms of only one year. There was one exception. That resulted from the unfortunate illness that befell Brother Harry W. Wood who at the time was Senior Warden. Although Brother Wood was elected to serve as Master, his illness prevented the fulfillment of the task. Wor. Fred M. Cameron continued to serve as Master for a second term and although he was residing in the State of New Hampshire, performed all of his duties as Worshipful Master with great zeal. He was also most faithful in his attendance on the suites of both District Deputy Grand Masters in the Somerville District.
* Worshipful Brother ''Leon Leavitt'' has been a most helpful and faithful officer and member of Mystic Valley Lodge. He served as Master for the year 1950-1951. He was appointed as ritualist in 1953 and served as ritualist for a period of fifteen years until 1968. He has ever been ready to fill any office or to perform any task requested of him.
* R. W. ''Richard P. Nyquist'' was elected Master of the Lodge on September 9, 1954 and installed in that office to serve for the year 1954-1955 on September 24, 1954. In December 1955, Wor. Bro. Nyquist was elected Proxy to the M.W. Grand Lodge and he continued to serve in that capacity until December 1969. His reports to the Lodge on Grand Lodge proceedings were always most complete in every detail. He was selected to serve as D.D.G. Marshal of the Sixth (Somerville) District by R. W. Warren P. Eldridge and served in that capacity for two years, 1958-1959. On December 12. 1959. R. W. Brother Nyquist and Mystic Valley Lodge were honored by his appointment to serve as Senior Grand Deacon of the M. W. Grand Lodge. R.W. Brother Nyquist and Mystic Valley Lodge were again honored by the Grand Master's appointment of R.W. Brother Nyquist as District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District in which office he served with distinction for the years 1962 and 1963. His D.D.G. Marshal was Wor. Harvey C. Haag who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1955-1956. His D. D. G. Secretary was Wor. Floyd H. Horn who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1960-1961. This team of D. D. G. Officers was a most popular trio and accordingly attracted very large suites to their visitations.
Mystic Valley Lodge and Wor. Harvey C. Haag were highly honored in the year 1963 by his appointment as Senior Grand Deacon of the M.W. Grand Lodge.
It is, of course, impracticable to list all of those who have given of their time and talents throughout our history, for each has given unselfishly and without thought of reward. This history would not be complete, however, without some mention of others who have served so faithfully.
* Rev. Bro. ''George A. Butters'', Chaplain from October 1935 to October 1939 was also a member and Chaplain of [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=Revere Revere] Lodge. Rev. Brother [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MAGLButters Butters] later became Master of Revere Lodge and D.D.G.M. of the [http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MABoston1_1927-2003 First (Boston) District]. Rev. Brother Butters was recently honored by the Southern Jurisdiction, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite with the 33rd and Honorary Degree.
* Rev. Bro. ''Roger E. Makepeace'' served as Chaplain from October 1939 to June 1944 at which time he entered the armed services of our country to serve as Chaplain. Rev. Brother Makepeace now holds the rank of Lt. Col. and resides in San Jose, California.
* Rev. Bro. ''Walter L. Bailey'' served as Chaplain of Mystic Valley Lodge from May 1945 to September 1958 a period of
thirteen years of great devotion to Mystic Valley Lodge. Rev. Bro. Bailey retired from the ministry in September 1953 and moved to New Hampshire to enjoy retirement. Rev. Brother Bailey gave many charges to candidates and to newly installed officers of the Lodge. His charges were so well delivered and had such great meaning that they were a pleasure to hear and an inspiration to all who were present.
* Rev. Bro. ''[http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=MAGLHNClay H. Newton Clay]'' deserves special mention. He served as Chaplain upon assuming the Pastorship of the Crawford Memorial Methodist Church in 1958 until June 1969. During this time, Rev. Brother Clay also served as Chaplain for Revere Lodge which meets at the Masonic Temple, Boston. Rev. Brother Clay never missed a meeting unless Pastoral duties prevented him from so doing. His semi-retirement from the ministry and assuming the Pastorship of a small parish the other side of Boston has prevented his continuing as Chaplain of Mystic Valley Lodge. His regular presence in our midst and his prayers at our holy altar are greatly missed. Rev. Brother Clay has fulfilled many speaking engagements before Masonic bodies and has always been a most popular speaker. His sense of humor has ever been most delightful.
* Bro. ''Dana C. Pickering'' served as Tyler for a period of twenty-three years from October 1920 to December 1943.
* Bro. ''Henry E. Drown'' served as Tyler for a period of twelve years, 1944 to 1956. Bro. Drown resigned as Tyler to move to Florida in retirement and still enjoys that sunny climate. Brother Henry is most personable and was an excellent Tyler. Every Brother, member and visitor alike, were always cordially greeted and felt his warm friendship.
* Bro. ''F. Percyval'' Lewis was a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge and assumed his office as Organist at the Institution of the Lodge on April 8, 1920 and faithfully continued to serve in that office for twenty-eight years until September 1948.
* Bro. ''Wallace Young'' faithfully served Mystic Valley Lodge as Secretary for a period of twelve years from October 1950 to
June 1962, He was Raised in Merrimack Lodge, Haverhill, on October 22, 1919 and affiliated with Mystic Valley Lodge in January 1949. Brother Young was a most efficient Secretary and a dedicated Mason. His manner was always quiet and unassuming and he was always ready to assume any task requested of him. He delighted in guarding the East Gate in die performance of the Third Degree. He now lives in retirement in Bradenton, Florida.
As the first half century of Mystic Valley Lodge comes to a close, we look forward to the future with confidence that Mystic Valley Lodge and Masonry everywhere will continue to build on the solid foundation upon which it has been built in the past ages and that Brotherly love, relief and truth will prevail among men and nations.

Revision as of 18:43, 12 March 2015


Location: Winchester

Chartered By: Arthur D. Prince

Charter Date: 12/08/1920 1920-569

Precedence Date: 06/09/1920

Current Status: merged into Samuel Crocker Lawrence Lodge, 06/28/1979. Now a part of Mystic Valley Lodge.


  • William M. Belcher, 1920
  • Amasa Harrington, 1921
  • Harris M. Richmond, 1922, 1923; Mem
  • T. Parker Clarke, 1924-1926
  • J. Lawton Whitlock, 1927
  • John Carruthers, 1928, 1929
  • Paul Nye Shiverick, 1930, 1931; N
  • Cover P. Dyer, 1932, 1933
  • Charles P. Downer, 1934, 1935
  • John W. Bodman, 1936, 1937
  • Francis Trembert, 1938, 1939
  • Arthur V. Getchell, 1940, 1941
  • George F. Conklin, 1942-1945
  • T. William Harris, 1946, 1947
  • George F. Deroo, Jr., 1948, 1949
  • Leon E. Levitt, 1950
  • J. Sanley Fudge, 1951
  • Paul B. Shiverick, 1952
  • Robart R. Phillips, 1953
  • Richard P. Nyquist, 1954; N
  • Harvey C. Hagg, 1955
  • George R. Foskitt, 1956
  • Fred M. Cameron, 1957, 1958
  • John V. Augusta, 1959
  • Floyd H. Horn, 1960
  • Hebert V. Canfield, 1961
  • Eugene F. Chase, 1962
  • Robert E. Lawson, 1963
  • Louis H. Martensen, 1964
  • Richard E. McIntyre, 1965
  • Wason M. Hyde, 1966
  • Harold W. Stevens, 1967
  • Werner A. Carlson, 1968
  • Allison M. Wolfe, 1969
  • Albert H. Mooradian, 1970
  • David A. Morgan, 1971
  • Richard A. Clifton, 1972
  • Charles F. Deroo, 1973, 1978, 1979
  • Gustav E. Spencer, 1974
  • Howard D. Wilson Sr., 1975
  • James G. Keramas, 1976, 1977



  • 1945 (25th Anniversary)
  • 1970 (50th Anniversary)



1922 1923 1926 1927 1937 1938 1954 1960 1971 1972 1976


  • 1945 (25th Anniversary History, 1945-59; see below)
  • 1970 (50th Anniversary History, 1970-96; see below)


From Proceedings, Page 1945-59:

By William A. LeFavor, Secretary Emeritus.

The history of Mystic Valley Lodge has not been marked by any unique or spectacular events but rather depicts the normal life and activities of a regular Masonic Lodge with its Regular and Special Communications, reception and raising of candidates for the Degrees and the welcoming of new members by affiliation, visitations by representatives of the M. W. Grand Lodge and occasional special gatherings, some of them including the ladies.

The origin of the Lodge is to be found in the conditions which were existing at the time of its Institution and for the two or three years preceding when there was a very considerable influx of applicants seeking the degrees in the lodges and the membership of the older lodges had mounted to almost staggering figures, making difficult the enjoyment of the close friendship upon which the true life of a lodge rests and through which it normally functions to its best results. Sometime before, the increase in the numerical size of the lodges had become a subject of serious consideration at the sessions of the M. W. Grand Lodge and a carefully selected committee had been appointed to consider the situation and offer suggestions looking to the best interests of Masonry in general and of the individual lodges in particular. This committee was headed by Past Grand Master, M. W. Melvin M. Johnson, whose deep and abiding interest in Masonry was well known to the Craft. The surge of candidates had begun during World War I and had continued unabated after its close, resulting in throwing upon the officers of the existing lodges a burden of work which was well-nigh intolerable. Many of the lodges — in fact, most of them — were obliged to hold eight or more meetings during a calendar month and so much time and strength were consumed in Degree work and preparation therefor that — and here I quote from the report to the Grand Lodge by M. W. Melvin M. Johnson — "It was almost impossible for officers to attend to those other Masonic duties which aid brethren and candidates in the application of Masonic principles to present day problems to the end that Free Masonry may become a more active agent in behalf of civilization." At that time, of course, the Lodges of Instruction had not been formed and that most valuable agency in the education and training of candidates in this present day and time was not in existence to relieve the regular officers of the lodges of some of this important work which consequently devolved immediate upon them.

Mystic Valley Lodge, U. D., may be said to have had its inception at a meeting held Monday evening, February 2, 1920, by Rt. Wor. Bro. William M. Belcher and Brothers Amasa Harrington, Harrie Y. Nutter, Harris M. Richmond and Harris S. Richardson to consider the organization of a new lodge in Winchester. The time seemed opportune to relieve the strain upon the officers of William Parkman Lodge which, at that time, was holding at least four Communications per month with the prospect of continuing this condition until the summer vacation, at least. The permission of William Parkman Lodge having been requested and granted and the approval of Rt. Wor. Charles H. Miles, District Deputy Grand Master of the 6th Masonic District, having been received, both in accordance with the regular procedure governing these matters, a petition in regular form was drawn up and presented to the Grand Master, M. W. Arthur D. Prince, and the Dispensation under which the Lodge began its work was granted by him on April 8, 1920.

At a meeting of the petitioners, held on the following evening, April 9, the Dispensation was delivered by Rt. Wor. Charles H. Miles, D. D. G. Master of the 6th Masonic District, to Rt. Wor. Bro. William N. Belcher who had been designated to be Wor. Master of the Lodge U. D. and the following officers were directed to assume their stations for the period of the Dispensation:

  • Wor. Master: Rt. Wor. William M. Belcher
  • Senior Warden: Bro. Amasa Harrington
  • Junior Warden: Bro. Harris M. Richmond
  • Treasurer: Bro. Franklin E. Crawford
  • Secretary: Bro. Edward E. Thompson
  • Marshal: Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Morgan
  • Chaplain: Rev. Bro. Alliston B. Gifford
  • Senior Deacon: Bro. Gordon E. Musselman
  • Junior Deacon: Bro. J. Lawton Whitlock
  • Senior Steward: Bro. Elmer R. Glidden
  • Junior Steward: Bro. Adna E. Smalley
  • Inside Sentinel: Bro. Robert F. Guild
  • Organist: Bro. F. Percyval Lewis
  • Tyler: Bro. Warren F. Foster

These officers carried on until December 30, 1920, with the exception of Bro. Warren F. Foster, the Tyler, who was called from his earthly labors to the Celestial Lodge above on July 27, 1920. Bros. Theodore Lawson and Charles S. Marsh served as Tyler in Bro. Foster's place until the Regular Communication of October 14, 1920, when Bro. Dana C. Pickering assumed the station and continued in it until June 1944, at which time Bro. Henry Eugene Drown, our present Tyler, assumed the station. On December 30, 1920, a Special Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge was held in these apartments, preceded by a bountiful dinner to the Grand Lodge officers and other guests and members of the Lodge, after which the Grand Lodge was opened in Ample Form in a room adjoining the apartments and later proceeded, in an impressive procession, into the lodge room where M. W. Arthur D. Prince, Grand Master, with a distinguished Suite of thirty-nine Grand Officers, formally constituted Mystic Valley Lodge and installed the following officers:

  • Wor. Master: Rt. Wor. William M. Belcher
  • Senior Warden: Bro. Amasa Harrington
  • Junior Warden: Bro. Harris M. Richmond
  • Treasurer: Bro. Franklin E. Crawford
  • Secretary: Bro. Edward E. Thompson
  • Marshal: Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Morgan
  • Chaplain: Rev. Bro. Alliston B. Gifford
  • Senior Deacon: Bro. T. Parker Clarke
  • Junior Deacon: Bro. J. Lawton Whitlock
  • Senior Steward: Bro. John Carruthers
  • Junior Steward: Bro. Fred C. Wormelle
  • Inside Sentinel: Bro. Robert F. Guild
  • Organist: Bro. F. Percyval Lewis
  • Tyler: Bro. Dana C. Pickering

At the conclusion of the Installation the Grand Master gave an eloquent address which was full of inspiration and wise admonition to the new lodge.

At the Regular Communication, held April 7, 1921, Bro. Amasa Harrington was elected to serve as Master until the Annual Meeting in December. He was installed on April 28, 1921, by M. W. Melvin M. Johnson, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts, assisted by Wor. Bro. Frank O. Locke, Past Master of Monitor Lodge of Waltham.

Wor. Bro. Harrington was re-elected December 1, 1921, and on January 5, 1922 was installed for his second term as Wor. Master, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. Bro. William M. Belcher, assisted by Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Morgan, as Marshal. Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher who, as the records show, was most instrumental in the Institution of the Lodge, is undoubtedly well remembered by many of those present here tonight and his deep and lasting interest in the welfare and success of the Lodge will be clearly recalled and is on record in the archives of the Lodge. We of Mystic Valley Lodge looked up to him as to a father and his wise counsel and assistance were eagerly sought on all occasions. His long service in Masonry, extending to the office of Senior Grand Warden of the M. W. Grand Lodge, and his deeply grounded knowledge of Masonic principles and practice made him most helpful to us in countless ways. One notable contribution which he made to the continuing life of the Lodge was his drafting of the form and material for the printing of the front cover of the Lodge Notice which included the local picture of Winchester Town Hall, reflected in the water of the Aberjona River, with the surrounding scenery. The first time it was used was on the Notice of March 15, 1921. At the Regular Communication of the Lodge on March 10, 1927, a vote was passed which placed on record the above-mentioned fact and expressed the wish and hope of the Lodge that the design of the cover should be perpetuated without change and, further, that no change in the size or shape of the Notice should ever be made, so that they could always be bound in a uniform size. Mystic Valley Lodge was indeed fortunate to have had the benefit of Bro. Belcher's counsel and advice and he will be held in grateful memory so long as the Lodge exists. He was made the first Honorary member of the Lodge on May 5, 1921. His death occurred October 23, 1933.

It might be mentioned, in passing, that Jonathan Belcher was the first definitely known Freemason in America. He was a Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and was made a Mason in London in 1704. We presume that he was an ancestor or related to an ancestor of our Bro. Belcher.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher and equally devoted to the interests and welfare of the Lodge was our late lamented Bro., Wor. Amasa Harrington, who was installed Senior Warden of the Lodge U. D. and later was installed in the same office when the Lodge was constituted and, after the term of Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher was completed, was advanced to the office of Wor. Master. None of us will ever forget the shock of that morning of October 6, 1932, when the word came of his sudden and tragic death in an automobile incident. He was cut off at the high point in his life of usefulness to his fellows. His aboundingly active interest in Masonry is general was evidenced, in some measure, by his service as Recorder of Orient Council for thirty-five years. His devotion to Mystic Valley Lodge, in particular, made it seem, as we believe was really the case, that the dominant interest of his life was in the sound growth and ever increasingly larger success of the Lodge in the institution of which he had borne so large a part and to which he had apparently dedicated his strength and energy in whole-hearted support. The suddenness of his going made his loss all the more poignant and left a void which no one could completely fill.

The name of another of our brothers must be linked, inseparably, with those of Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher and Wor. Bro. Harrington in the work of planning for the institution of Mystic Valley Lodge. There can be no doubt as to whom I refer — Rt. Wor. Bro. Harris M. Richmond — who was one of the original group which met to discuss the proposal and served as Junior Warden U.D. and later was installed the first Junior Warden of the Lodge.

Advancing to the Senior Warden's station, he was later elected, in regular course, and December 19, 1922 was installed the third Wor. Master of the Lodge. The Installing Officers on this occasion were Rt. Wor. Percy W. Witherell, Presiding D. D. G. Master of the 6th Masonic District, assisted by his Marshal, Wor. Bro. Ernest W. Hatch, both brothers being Charter Members of our Lodge. At the end of the year, Wor. Bro. Richmond was re-elected and January 31, 1924 was installed Wor. Master for a second term. The Installing Officers were Wor. Lorenzo Green, Grand Lecturer of the M. W. Grand Lodge and Past Master of Mt. Hermon Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. George E. Green, Past Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge and Past Master of Mt. Hermon Lodge.

Wor. Bro. Richmond's service to Mystic Valley Lodge from its inception to the time of his death was of inestimable value. His service to Masonry likewise was outstanding. His widely distributed interests and activities are on record in the archives of the Lodge. Mystic Valley Lodge was no less honored than was Bro. Richmond, himself, when he was appointed to serve as the Rt. Wor. D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District for the years 1931-1932. Bro. Richmond's quiet and unassuming nature made his service to the Craft all the more impressive and, in the case of our own Lodge, he was most helpful on all the many occasions when his clear understanding and wise judgment were called into exercise. His sudden passing, on August 26, 1938, was deeply lamented by everyone and because of his faithful attendance at all meetings of the Lodge his absence makes us constantly realize our loss.

Rev. Bro. Alliston B. Gifford, who was, at the time of the Institution of the Lodge, Pastor of the Methodist-Episcopal Church of Winchester, consented to serve as Chaplain of the Lodge and began his duties with the very first meeting on April 9, 1920, when the Dispensation for the Lodge was received from the hands of Rt. Wor. Charles H. Miles, D. D. G. Master of the District, and he continued his service to the Lodge until April, 1925, when he removed from Winchester to another Pastorate. Rev. Bro. Gifford was made an Honorary Member, June 2, 1921.

We have been very fortunate in being privileged to have the benefit of the services of the Pastors of the local Crawford Memorial Methodist-Episcopal Church for the larger part of the time since the Lodge was instituted.

During the time of the incumbency of Rev. Bro. Gifford, Rev. Clifton H. Walcott, Pastor of the Winchester Baptist Church, was raised in the Lodge and in January, 1922, became Associate Chaplain. Upon Rev. Bro. Gifford's removal from town, Rev. Bro. Walcott became the regular Chaplain and in January, 1926, Rev. Bro. Lisle Burroughs Swenson, Assistant Pastor of the First Congregational Church, was made Associate Chaplain. (Rev. Bro. Swenson's name was later changed to Burroughs). In January, 1927, he was made the regular Chaplain and Rev. Bro. Hiram W. Hook, Pastor of the Methodist Church, was made Associate Chaplain. In October, 1927, Rev. Bro. Burroughs removed from town and Rev. Bro. Hook became the Regular Chaplain and from that time until last October (1944) the Pastors of the Methodist Church have served as our Chaplains. Rev. Bro. Hook continued in the work until October, 1930, when he was succeeded in the Church Pastorate by Rev. Bro. J. West Thompson, who served the Lodge until October, 1935. He was followed by Rev. Bro. George A. Butters, who served until October, 1939. In October, 1939, Rev. Bro. Roger E. Makepeace took over the Chaplain's office from Rev. Bro. Butters and continued in it until last October when he resigned his Church Pastorate to serve as Chaplain in the Armed Forces. In January of this year, Rev. Bro. Walter Lee Bailey, recently installed Pastor of the Baptist Church, came with us to be our Chaplain. Rev. Bro. Butters was a member of Revere Lodge of Boston as well as a member of our Lodge and, since the time of his going from Winchester, he has occupied the station of Wor. Master of Revere Lodge and just recently has been appointed D. D. G. Master of the First Masonic District.

The first Treasurer of the Lodge was Bro. Franklin E. Crawford, who served until December, 1924, when he was obliged to decline re-election because of the fact that his business required him to be away a great deal of the time. His request that he be relieved of further duty as Treasurer was granted with much regret and Wor. Bro. Richmond was chosen to the office in which he continued to serve until September, 1931. Wor. Bro. John Carruthers was elected as his successor and is still carrying on the work in a highly efficient manner as only he can do.

The first Secretary of the Lodge was Bro. Edward Everett Thompson who was, at the time, Principal of the Winchester High School. He served the Lodge faithfully for two years when he removed from town to accept a more attractive position in the Chicago Schools. He was made an Honorary Member, October 5, 1922. Word was received a short time ago that he had passed away, December 9, 1944, at his home in Northampton, Massachusetts, where he had lived from the time of his retirement from teaching.

Bro. Thompson was succeeded in the office of Secretary by Bro. William Asa Lefavour who served eighteen years. Since his retirement from office there have been two Secretaries. Bro. Robert Freeman Comfort was only able to hold the position for two years on account of business reasons. The present incumbent, one of the early initiates, Bro. George Raymond Bancroft, is now on his third year and it is earnestly hoped there will be many more to follow.

The officer who has the distinction of being the one with the longest term of service is our Organist, Bro. Frederic Percyval Lewis, who was a Charter Member and began his service with the first meeting on April 9,1920, when the Lodge was instituted, continuing to this present day. It would seem strange indeed not to have Bro. Lewis at the meeting to take care of the requirements in respect to the music.

Eleven candidates were raised Under Dispensation. William Parkman Lodge very graciously granted the free use of their apartments while we were Under Dispensation and loaned us the use of their regalia and other paraphernalia until such time as our own would be ready.

The following gifts were received by the Lodge:

  • A Gavel from Wor. Bro. Amasa Harrington
  • A Set of Insignia to be worn at meetings of the M. W. Grand Lodge from Rt. Wor. Bro. Harris M. Richmond
  • Truncheons for Senior and Junior Wardens and a Marshal's Baton from Bro. William I. Palmer
  • Truncheon Stands and Holders from Rt. Wor. Bro. Percy W. Witherell
  • Small Square and Compasses for examination purposes from Bro. George A. Barron
  • Small Square and Compasses used by Senior Deacon from Rose Lipp Regalia Co.
  • The Lodge Seal was designed and presented to the Lodge by Rt. Wor. Bro. Harris M. Richmond
  • Set of Working Tools from Bro. Gordon E. Musselman
  • Deacons' and Stewards' Wands from Bro. Franklin E. Crawford
  • Large Square and Compasses for the Altar from Rt. Wor. Bro. William M. Belcher

At our Communication of October 14,1920, we were privileged to listen to a stirring address on Masonry by M. W. Melvin M. Johnson, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts, representing the work of the Masonic Service Association.

In the evening of November 4, 1920, by request of the M. W. Grand Master, we observed the Anniversary of the Initiation of George Washington in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia, November 4, 1752. Rev. Bro. J. Ralph Magee of Brookline spoke to us in earnest words regarding the need of civic uprightness, especially in political life.

At the Special Communication of March 17, 1921, we were favored with a most interesting and instructive address by Rt. Wor. Roscoe Pound, Past Deputy Grand Master and Dean of the Harvard Law School, who spoke on the divergencies of the Ritual, giving a brief historical survey of Masonry from its early beginning to modern times, which was most intensely interesting to all present.

At the Special Communication of April 14, 1921, M.W. Leon M. Abbott, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts, gave us an inspiring address on the Urge and Urgency of Free Masonry, depicting the high ideals for which Free Masonry stands.

The evening of September 27, 1921 was a red letter date in the history of Mystic Valley Lodge, being the occasion of the first Official Visitation to the Lodge. This would have been a most notable event in itself but there was an added touch of interest in the fact that the Rt. Wor. D. D. Grand Master, Bro. Percy W. Witherell, and also the Wor. D. D. Grand Marshal, Bro. Ernest W. Hatch, were Charter Members of our Lodge. Fifty-eight of our members, being 50% of our membership, with fifty-nine visitors were present to welcome the visiting Grand Officers and their Suite of fifty-one members, a total attendance of 168—a memorable event in this particular. The Rt. Wor. D. D. G. Master gave us a highly interesting talk on the Universality of the ideas of Masonry as shown by the arrangement and form of certain stones found in an ancient Egyptian Obelisk dating back to 22 B.C.

For many years it has been the custom of the Lodge to join with William Parkman Lodge and Winchester Royal Arch Chapter in the observance of Open House the morning of January 1. This meeting has become one of the largest and most popular affairs sponsored by the Masonic Bodies of the town. All Masons residing in Winchester are especially invited to come. The meeting opens at 11 A.M. with singing, followed by a fine and varied entertainment. During the meeting the District Deputies are called on for a few remarks and other distinguished Masons present are introduced.

Winchester has been favored and honored for a number of years by the presence of the M. W. Grand Master. At one o'clock a toast and pledge of allegiance to the Grand Master is proposed and a response to the Toast is made by the Grand Master. For many years this toast has been led by Wor. Bro. Ralph W. E. Hopper, Chaplain of William Parkman Lodge.

On January 17, 1922, at 6:30 P.M., occurred the first Annual Dinner of the Lodge which was honored by the presence of M. W. Arthur D. Prince, presiding Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, attended by his Marshal, Rt. Wor. Frank W. Dobson. At the conclusion of the work of the evening, M. W. Bro. Prince gave an inspiring address, stressing the duty of all Masons to stand firmly behind free, non-sectarian education, as friends of the Public Schools.

January 28, 1922, our Lodge paid a fraternal visit to Somerville Lodge and assisted in the work of the Third Degree. The visit was returned April 6, on the night of a Second Degree.

February 22, 1922, the Anniversary of the birth of General George Washington was observed with Open House by the three Masonic Bodies of the town.

The Nineteenth Special Communication, under a Dispensation from the Grand Master, was held September 23, 1922 at the Masonic Home at Charlton at 3 P.M. and five of our candidates were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft.

On the evening of December 7, 1922, the date of our second Annual Meeting and Dinner, a most notable event occurred in that there was presented to the Lodge a very beautiful Flag of the State of Massachusetts, the presentation being made in a few well-chosen words by Rt. Wor. William M. Belcher on behalf of the members of the Lodge. A very handsome United States Flag had been presented to William Parkman Lodge by its members and hung in the Lodge room previous to the Institution of Mystic Valley Lodge.

At the regular meeting, April 5, 1923, the Lodge was especially honored by the presence of Rev. and Wor. Bro. R. Perry Bush, D.D., Grand Chaplain and Librarian of the Grand Lodge, who gave a most interesting and inspiring address on "Masonry, Operative and Speculative", concluding with a plea for a combination of all sects, whether Protestant or otherwise, to work together through the agency of the Church and, using the principles which have been given to all men by the Church, carry on unflinchingly the fight against the powers of evil.

Sunday, June 24, 1923, St. John's Day, the three Masonic Bodies of the town accepted the invitation of the Ministers' Association of Winchester to attend Divine Worship at the First Congregational Church with sermon by Rev. Bro. Howard J. Chidley, D.D., Pastor of the Church.

At the meeting of the Lodge on January 3, 1924, the Wor. Master, Bro. Harris M. Richmond, presented the Lodge a Low Twelve tubular gong, to be used by William Parkman Lodge as well as by Mystic Valley.

At the meeting of January 31, 1924, the Lodge was honored by the presence of M. W. Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, who gave an intensely interesting and enlightening address on the Status of Masonry in Japan as well as a description of the conditions there since the terrible earthquake. His address was beautifully illustrated by colored lantern slides.

In the evening of St. John's Sunday, June 22, 1924, a Union Religious Service of the three Masonic Bodies was held in the Baptist Church with sermon by Rev. Bro. Clifton H. Walcott, Pastor of the Church and Associate Chaplain of our Lodge. The Lodge has attended Church Service every year, either in conjunction with the other Masonic Bodies or as members of our own Lodge.

A noteworthy achievement of this year, 1924, was the payment to the Board of Masonic Relief of $250.00 for use in furnishing a room in the Williams Memorial Annex to the Masonic Home at Charlton. This fund, through the efforts of Wor. Bro. Harrington, was contributed by individual members of the Lodge for presentation as the gift of the Lodge.

December 18, 1924, Bro. Theodore Parker Clarke was installed Wor. Master, the Installing Officers being Wor. Bro. John Hamilton, P. Master of Amicable Lodge of Cambridge, assisted by Wor. Bro. Amasa Harrington, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge. He was installed for a second term on January 7, 1926, at a Public Installation with M. W. Dudley Hays Ferrell, P. Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts officiating, assisted by Rt. Wor. Frank H. Hilton, Senior Grand Warden, as Marshal.

A most unique event occurred during the course of the exercises when Wor. Bro. Harrington presented to the Lodge, on behalf of Bro. Bowen Tufts and his wife, who were unable to be present, a very beautiful gavel which had been fashioned from a piece of stone picked up by Mrs. Tufts in the quarries at Jerusalem from which was taken the stone which was used in the building of King Solomon's temple. December 9, 1926, the Lodge received from Bro. George H. Hamilton, a member of William Parkman Lodge, the gift of a very handsome case to be used as a container for the gavel.

January 13, 1927, occurred the Installation of Bro. Julius Lawton Whitlock as Wor. Master, the Installing Officers being Rt. Wor. Fred L. Moses, Junior Grand Warden of the M. W. Grand Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. Harris S. Richardson, P. Master of William Parkman Lodge and also a member of our own Lodge.

March 10,1927, the Lodge was honored by a visit from M. W. Dudley H. Ferrell, P. Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, and the members were privileged to hear him in his illustrated lecture on "Masonry in Latin America".

On September 29, 1927, Wor. Bro. Whitlock was installed for a second term, this being a shortened year as the ending of the official year in the lodges of the State had been changed to conform with the period of the Grand Lodge year. The Installing Officers on this occasion were Wor. Bro. Harris M. Richmond, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. Gordon A. Sherwin, P. Master of Atlantic Lodge of Quincy.

The newly acquired Juniper Hall Masonic Hospital at Shrewsbury, the gift of Mrs. Matthew J. Whittall, was opened in the fall of the year 1928 and the M. W. Grand Lodge expressed the hope that there would be many contributions for its development and support from members of all the lodges in the State, suggesting a quota from each lodge of $1.50 per member, which was later raised to $2.00 per member. Our Lodge was justly proud of the fact that it was the first lodge in the State to contribute its full quota as first suggested and later increased its gift to cover the amended suggestion of the larger per capita figure.

October 11, 1928, Bro. John Carruthers was installed Wor. Master, the Installing Officers being Rt. Wor. Bro. Sanford Crandon, P. D. D. G. Master of the 7th Masonic District, and Wor. Bro. Horace E. Child, P. D. D. G. Marshal of the same district and both P. Masters of http://masonicgenealogy.com/MediaWiki/index.php?title=Wyoming Wyoming] Lodge of Melrose in which the newly-installed Master was raised.

The regular meeting of the Lodge on December 13, 1928, was observed as Fathers' and Sons' Night and the officers and members of Middlesex Chapter of DeMolay were invited to be our guests. An interesting address was given by Bro. Charles Clarke Keith, Chaplain of Mt. Olivet Lodge.

February 14, 1929, after the Lodge was closed, the West Medford Assembly, No. 4, of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls, gave an exemplification of their Rainbow Degree.

October 24, 1929, Wor. Bro. Carruthers was installed for a second year of service at a Special Communication which was convened for the purpose of a Public Installation and Ladies' Night. Supper was served at 6:30 P.M. The D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District, Rt. Wor. Edward L. Shinn, with his Marshal, Wor. Bro. Edgar H. Savage, and Suite were present and the Installation of the officers of the Lodge was conducted in an impressive manner by M. W. Arthur D. Prince, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts and an Honorary Member of our Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. Paul L. Perkins, P. Master of William North Lodge of Lowell.

November 22, 1929, the 13th Lodge of Instruction, recently organized, had its first meeting in Winchester.

April 11, 1930 was one of the Red Letter nights in our Lodge history, being the occasion of the observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the Institution of the Lodge, which took place April 9, 1920. At 6:30 P.M., forty-eight members and invited guests sat down to a bountiful dinner which was served by a committee of ladies from the Winchester Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. Included among the guests were, first of all, M. W. Arthur D. Prince, P. G. Master, who granted the dispensation for the Lodge and presided at its Constitution, and Rt. Wor. Bro. Charles H. Miles, who was D. D. G. Master of the 6th Masonic District at the time and instituted the Lodge. Other distinguished guests were:

  • Rt. Wor. Edward L. Shinn, presiding D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District.
  • Rt. Wor. J. Arthur Gibson, presiding D. D. G. Master of the Arlington 6th Masonic District.
  • Rt. Wor. Bro. Percy W. Witherell, P. D. D. G. Master of the 6th Masonic District and one of our Charter Members.
  • Wor. Bro. Edgar H. Savage and Wor. Bro. George J. Rauh, presiding D. D. G. Marshals of the 6th District (Somerville and Arlington Divisions).

The observance of the Tenth Anniversary was carried out along the general line of a re-enactment of the Institution of the Lodge as it was originally done. An extract was read from the Lodge records, giving an account of the preliminaries which led to its formation, and the Wor. Master read the summons which was sent to him to attend the first meeting of the Lodge on April 8, 1920. R. W. Bro. Charles H. Miles was conducted to the East and inducted in the Oriental Chair and under his guidance the re-enactment ceremony was continued with the reading of the Order of Dispensation, a certified copy of which had just been presented to the Lodge, for its permanent possession, by the M. W. Grand Lodge. The original officers—so far as it was possible for them to be present—were then conducted to the various stations which were held by them at the time of Institution, as follows:

  • Wor. Master: Rt. Wor. William M. Belcher
  • Senior Warden: Bro. Amasa Harrington
  • Junior Warden: Bro. Harris M. Richmond
  • Chaplain: Rev. Bro. Alliston B. Gifford

The stations of those who were unable to be present were taken as follows:

  • Marshal: Bro. George H. Akins
  • Senior Deacon: Wor. Bro. John Carruthers
  • Junior Deacon: Bro. Fred C. Wormelle
  • Senior Steward: Bro. Charles P. Downer
  • Junior Steward: Bro. Arthur V. Getchell
  • Inside Sentinel: Bro. Truman M. Godfrey
  • Organist: Bro. F. Percyval Lewis
  • Tyler: Bro. Dana C. Pickering

A Lodge of Fellow-Crafts was opened and one candidate, Bro. Jack B. Hawkins, was passed to the Degree of Fellow-Craft, after which a Lodge of Master Masons was again opened and the regular officers resumed their stations. Congratulatory remarks were made by Rt. Wor. Charles H. Miles and his Marshal, Wor. Bro. Robert M. Stone, M. W. Bro. Prince addressed us, reviewing in an informal manner important points in the work of the Grand Lodge and accomplishments in Masonry in Massachusetts during the ten years just passed, beginning during the period of his own incumbency as Grand Master and covering the period of the life of our Lodge.

At the Annual Meeting, held September 11, 1930, Bro. Paul Nye Shiverick was elected to serve as Wor. Master for the ensuing year and was duly installed in the office, October 9, 1930, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. Bro. Warner R. Crowell, P. D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District, assisted by Wor. Bro. Amasa Harrington, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal.

In December, 1930, Mystic Valley Lodge was highly honored by the M. W, Grand Master by his appointment of Wor. Bro. Harris M. Richmond, Past Master of our Lodge, to be D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District, the appointment being renewed in December, 1931, for a second year.

November 12, 1931, occurred the first Official Visitation to our Lodge of Rt. Wor. Bro. Richmond and, at the conclusion of the official duties of the evening, Wor. Bro. Shiverick, presiding Master of our Lodge, presented to him, on behalf of the officers and members of the Lodge, a D. D. G. Master's Jewel which was feelingly accepted by Bro. Richmond.

The evening of February 12, 1931, was the occasion of a very unusual event, being the presentation of a facsimile of a meeting of an 18th Century Lodge, as held at the Thatched House Tavern in London, in 1723. This presentation was given by the Masonic Players of Lexington, a group from Simon W. Robinson Lodge. It was indeed a privilege to have the opportunity to see this presentation which was not only most extremely interesting and entertaining but highly informative as well.

September 10, 1931, Wor. Bro. Shiverick was re-elected to serve as Wor. Master for another year and was installed, October 8, 1931, at a Public Installation and Ladies' Night, the Installing Officer being M. W. Arthur D. Prince, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts, assisted by Wor. Bro. Paul L. Perkins, Past Master of William North Lodge of Lowell, as Marshal. Dinner was served to sixty-nine members and their guests, including the ladies, following which there was after-dinner speaking and the company was further entertained with violin solos by Mrs. J. West Thompson, wife of the Lodge Chaplain, accompanied by Mrs. Lefavour, wife of the Lodge Secretary. At the conclusion of the Installation, M. W. Bro. Prince presented to Wor. Bro. Amasa Harrington the Joseph Warren medal which is awarded, on occasion, to a member of the Fraternity for outstanding service to the Craft.

At the Annual Meeting, September 8, 1932, Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher presented to the Lodge, in the custody of the presiding Wor. Master, the three candles which were used during the ceremony at the Constitution of the Lodge in December, 1920. At the end of a Master's term of service these candles are passed on to the custody of the newly-installed Master. They are here in use, this evening, on this 25th Anniversary occasion.

A form of ceremony, together with necessary ritual to cover the occasion when the ceremony is to be performed, was prepared by Wor. Bro. John Carruthers a few years ago, being used for the first time at the Installation of Wor. Bro. Arthur Vinton Getchell, September 26, 1940. It is intended to be used only at the Installation of a new Master but not at a second term installation.

September 18, 1932, Bro. Colver Payson Dyer was elected to serve as Wor. Master for the ensuing year and was duly installed, October 13, 1932, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. Harris M. Richmond, D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District, and P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge; assisted by his Marshal, Wor. Bro. Alton A. Linnell, P. Master of Soley Lodge of Somerville.

September 14, 1933, Wor. Bro. Dyer was re-elected for a second term of service as Wor. Master and October 12,1933, was installed in office by Wor. Bro. J. Lawton Whitlock, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. Gordon A. Sherwin, P. Master of Atlantic Lodge of Quincy.

The evening of May 10, 1934, was the occasion of our Annual Lobster Dinner and we had as our guests the officers of William Parkman Lodge, who gave an exemplification of the work of the First Section of the Third Degree, and we also had, as special guests, a delegation of the members of Mystic Valley Chapter, No. 90, of the National Sojourners, which is composed largely of Naval Officers. Captain Gay, President of the Chapter, spoke of the Work of the United States Navy. September 13,1934, Bro. Charles Palmer Downer was elected to serve as Wor. Master and was duly installed, October 11, 1934, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. J. Arthur Gibson, P. D. D. G. Master of the Arlington 6th Masonic District and P. Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, assisted by Wor. Bro. George J. Rauh, P. D. D. G. Marshal of the same District.

On September 12, 1935, Wor. Bro. Downer was re-elected to serve for a second term and was installed at a Public Installation and Ladies' Night which was held October 10th. The Installing Officer was M. W. Arthur D. Prince, P. G. Master of Masons in Massachusetts, assisted by Rt. Wor. Bro. Walter Johnson, as Marshal. Preceding the Installation a turkey supper was served to the officers and members and their guests. At the conclusion of the exercises of Installation, M. W. Bro. Prince gave some most interesting facts with reference to the Masonic Service work of the Grand Lodge.

One of the largest meetings ever held by the Lodge was the Installation of Officers on October 8, 1936, when Bro. John Whittlesey Bodman, having been duly elected, was installed in the office of Wor. Master. Preceding the opening of the Lodge, a supper was served to eighty-five officers, members and their guests. After the regular business of the Lodge had been completed, the Installation of the Officers for the ensuing year rook place with Rt. Wor. J. Arthur Gibson, P. D. D. G. Master of the Arlington 6th Masonic District and Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, as Installing Officer, assisted by Wor. Bro. Benjamin F. Hickey, presiding Master of Russell Lodge of Arlington, as Marshal. A very large number (105) were present at the ceremony, most of the visitors being associated in the business organization, Lever Bros. Company, with which the newly-installed Master was connected. Forty-six different Masonic Lodges, located in eight Masonic jurisdictions, were represented.

Another notable evening, closely following the one just mentioned, was that of January 14, 1937. The Lodge was opened at 5:40 P.M. and the regular business was transacted together with the First Section of the Master Mason Degree on three candidates. At 6:45 P.M. supper was served to seventy-nine officers, members and guests and at 8:10 P.M. the work of the Degree was continued, the Wor. Master being assisted on two of the candidates by a full set of officers from the Leverhulme Associates, a body of Masons composed of men who are associated together in the business of Lever Bros. Company in Cambridge. The officers from the Leverhulme Associates were occupying, in their own lodges, the same stations which they occupied in our work that evening.

The evening of March 11, 1937 was of special interest because the officers and members of Middlesex Chapter, Order of DeMolay, were present as our guests and worked their DeMolay Degree. The work of the Degree was finely done and it was a great privilege and pleasure to witness it.

At the Annual Meeting of the Lodge, held September 9, 1937, Wor. Bro. Bodman was re-elected for a second term and was installed at a Special Communication of the Lodge, held September 30, 1937. Preceding the exercises of Installation, a bountiful dinner was served to seventy members and guests, the latter representing twenty-eight different communities, located in six states, with one from Scotland. The Installing Officer was Wor. Bro. Robert A. Kennedy, P. Master of Pentucket Lodge of Lowell, assisted by Wor. Bro. John Carruthers, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal.

September 8, 1938, Bro. Francis Tremberth was elected to serve as Wor. Master for the ensuing year and on September 29, 1938, a Public Installation of Officers was held with Wor. Bro. T. Parker Clarke, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Installing Officer, assisted by Wor. Bro. Charles P. Downer, also a P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal.

In December, 1938, Mystic Valley Lodge was again highly honored by the Grand Master, M. W. Joseph Earl Perry, in the appointment by him of Wor. Bro. Paul Nye Shiverick, one of our Past Masters, to serve as D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District. He was re-appointed in December, 1939, and his entire term of service reflected the highest credit upon himself and honor to the Fraternity.

His first official visit to our Lodge was in the evening of January 12, 1939, when he came to pay us a Fraternal Visit and was accompanied by his Marshal, Wor. Bro. Charles Palmer Downer, a P. Master of our Lodge, and his Secretary, Wor. Francis Tremberth, presiding Master of our Lodge. At the regular meeting of the Lodge, September 14, 1939, a D. D. G. Master's Jewel was presented to Rt. Wor. Bro. Shiverick from the officers in the line.

Rt. Wor. Bro. Shiverick was the first initiate of Mystic Valley Lodge to become its Master, having been in the first class of candidates to receive all the Degrees after the Constitution of the Lodge. He served as Master from October 9, 1930 to October 13, 1932.

Eight years prior to his appointment as D. D. G. Master, in the years 1931 and 1932, he had served as D. D. G. Secretary to Rt. Wor. Harris M. Richmond, D. D. G. Master, and his own later appointment as D. D. G. Master of the District was fitting recognition of his active interest in the Craft and of his devoted service through the years.

Rt. Wor. Bro. Shiverick has taken an active part in the affairs of the Lodge and has rarely missed a meeting. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees for a number of years and has been the Lodge Representative on the Board of Masonic Relief for many years and has been of inestimable value to the several Masters in handling problems involving relief of the brethren. Every Master who succeeded him has appreciated his willingness to serve in any station and has availed himself of Iks wise counsel which has been most effective because it has only been offered when requested. He has assumed the responsibility of preparing refreshments for all of our meetings — a difficult problem for a small lodge in which estimates of attendance are difficult to make and usual caterers' guarantees are prohibitive. All in all, he is a tower of strength to the Lodge.

On Sunday, April 30, 1939, all the lodges in the 6th Masonic District both Somerville and Arlington, observed the 150th Anniversary of the Inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States with a Union Service at the First Congregational Church in Winchester, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. An eloquent and inspiring address was delivered by M. W. Joseph Earl Perry, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts. At the time of his Inauguration George Washington was the presiding Master of the Masonic Lodge in Alexandria, Virginia.

At the Regular Communication of the Lodge, May 11, 1939, the Rt. Wor. D. D. G. Master, Bro. Paul N.Shiverick, on behalf of the M. W. Grand Master, presented Wor. Bro. T. Parker Clarke, P. Master of our Lodge, the Joseph Warren Medal for distinguished service to this Lodge and to Masonry in general. Wor. Bro. Clarke was made a Master Mason in Amicable Lodge, of Cambridge in 1905. From about 1911 until 1921, he was a junior officer of that lodge. He affiliated with William Parkman Lodge December 14, 1915, demitting in February, 1923 and again affiliating in 1939.

Wor. Bro. Clarke was of great assistance to Rt. Wor. Bro. Belcher, Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Morgan and Wor. Bro. Amasa Harrington and the other distinguished Masons who organized Mystic Valley Lodge and he became one of the Charter Members, when it was Constituted. He immediately went into the line of officers and became Master of the Lodge, December 18, 1924, and served for two years with distinction. Since retiring as Master he has served as Proxy to the Grand Lodge from January 27, 1927 to January 1, 1929 and again from January 1, 1937 to the present time. He has been a member of the District Committee of the Masonic Service Bureau for over twelve years and is now serving in that capacity. At the present time, by appointment from Rt. Wor. Bro. Seward E. Nichols, P. D. D. G. Master of the Arlington 6th Masonic District and Master of the 13th Lodge of Instruction, Wor. Bro. Clarke is serving as one of the regular instructors of the Lodge. Another of our Past Masters, Wor. Bro. Francis Tremberth, is serving as Marsha of the same Lodge.

Wor. Bro. Clarke was appointed as Ritualist for the Lodge by Wor. Bro. Getchell and has been reappointed by each succeeding Master. He has been largely responsible for the high standard of ritual for which the Lodge can be justly proud. He has always been ready to fill any position in the Lodge upon necessity and has never refused any call for help from any officer or member. He is now the senior living Past Master.

October 12, 1939, a Public Installation of officers was held, at which Wor. Francis Tremberth was installed for his second term as Master of the Lodge. Dinner was served to fifty-seven officers and members with their ladies and friends. The Installing Officer of the evening was Rt. Wor. J. Arthur Gibson, P. D. D. G. Master of the Arlington 6th Masonic District and P. Senior Grand Warden of the M. W. Grand Lodge, assisted by Rt. Wor. Bro. Paul N. Shiverick, D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District and P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal. The evening was brought to a close with a very enjoyable organ recital by Mr. William Smith on the new organ, this being the first meeting of Mystic Valley Lodge in the apartments since they had been renovated and improved.

In the evening of November 21, the members of our Lodge joined with the members of William Parkman Lodge, the Winchester Royal Arch Chapter and Winchester Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, in an Open House in the newly-renovated apartments.

April 4, 1940, the Twentieth Anniversary of the Institution of the Lodge was observed by a Ladies' Night in the Masonic Apartments with a Dinner, Entertainment and Dancing.

On April 24, a Special Communication was held jointly with a Special Communication of William Parkman Lodge and a Regular Convocation of Winchester Royal Arch Chapter, being closed promptly after its opening, and the members of the newly-formed Winchester Assembly No. 50, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, were received as guests of the evening and worked their Initiatory Degree on one candidate. A very pleasant social hour was later enjoyed.

September 12, 1940, Bro. Arthur Vinton Getchell was elected to serve as Wor. Master for the ensuing year and on September 26, he was installed at a Public Installation, the Installing Officer being Wor. Bro. T. Parker Clarke, Senior Past Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. John Carruthers, also a Past Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal.

At the quarterly communication of Grand Lodge on December 11, 1940, the Grand Master, M. W. Joseph Earl Perry presented the Joseph Warren Medal for distinguished service to our Treasurer, Wor. Bro. John Carruthers, a member of the Advisory Finance Committee of the Grand Lodge. He was originally appointed to this committee by M. W. Claude L. Allen, and was re-appointed by succeeding Grand Masters. The Medal was awarded in recognition of a study of finances of lodges throughout the State, the report of which was included in the Address of the M. W. Grand Master and printed in the proceedings of the quarterly communication of September, 1940. Wor. Bro. Carruthers was the last Charter Member to serve as Master of this Lodge, and has filled some office continuously since its Constitution. He is at present Excellent High Priest of Winchester Royal Arch Chapter.

September 11, 1941, Wor. Arthur Vinton Getchell was reelected to serve as Master for a second term and was installed on October 2, the Installing officer being Rt. Wor. Bro. Paul Nye Shiverick, P.D.D.G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District and P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. T. Parker Clarke, Past Master of Mystic Valley Lodge.

We believe that it would be of intense interest if, at this point, we should make mention of the fact that one of our Brothers, Lieut. Commander William Driver Chandler, was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, when it was attacked by the Japanese. In March, 1942, Bro. Chandler returned to the submarine Base at New London, Conn., where he has been stationed ever since. His rank is now Captain.

September 10, 1942, Bro. George Farby Conklin was elected to serve as Wor. Master for the ensuing year and was installed on October 8, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. Bro. Paul Nye Shiverick, P. D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District and P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. T. Parker Clarke, Senior P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal.

September 9, 1943, Wor. Bro. Conklin was re-elected for a second year as Wor. Master and was installed on October 14, 1943, the Installing Officer being Rt. Wor. Bro. Paul Nye Shiverick, P. D. D. G. Master of the Somerville 6th Masonic District and P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bro. John Carruthers, P. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, as Marshal. In May, 1944, Mystic Valley Lodge again demonstrated its custom of being among the first to respond to any call from the Grand Lodge, when the Masonic Military Service Fund Campaign was started. Wor. Bro. Conklin immediately appointed an active committee and in a short time had raised, not the quota, but 171% of the quota! Mystic Valley Lodge members sue proud of the Certificate presented to them at the June Communication of Grand Lodge and of the fact that they led the whole 6th District and were among the leaders of the whole Scate, both in the amount subscribed per capita and in the promptness thus shown.

At the regular meeting, June 8,1944, Rev. Bro. Roger Emmerton Makepeace, who had served us as Chaplain for almost five years, spoke briefly of the fact that he was now leaving town to jam the Chaplaincy of the U. S. Armed Forces. Words of appreciation of Bro. Makepeace's work for us and an expression of good wishes to him were voiced by a number of the brothers present.


  • By Suspension or Discharge:
    • Charter Members: 4
    • Other Members: 20
    • TOTAL: 24

  • TOTAL 175
    • Present Number of Members: 89

In addition, four distinguished Masons not originally members of the Lodge have been elected to Honorary Membership, of which three are living.

Of the 85 whose names appear on the Charter, 40 are known to have passed away. 31 of the 55 who demitted are known or believed to be living.

There are six Charter Members living who are still members of the Lodge. They are the following:

  • Wor. John Carruthers
  • Wor. T. Parker Clarke
  • Bro. Ernst O. Engstrom
  • Bro. Thomas I. Freeburn
  • Bro. F. Percyval Lewis
  • Wor. J. Lawton Whitlock

It has, therefore, been necessary in so short a period as a quarter of a century to replace by initiation or affiliation almost the entire original membership, of the Lodge.

Mystic Valley Lodge is small in numbers and has been a small lodge throughout its quarter-century of existence, but in this respect it is in line with Masonic tradition which rates a lodge on the motivating spirit which actuates its members to make a truly fraternal organization. A fundamental principle of Free Masonry is the spirit of friendship and it is easily to be understood that a small number of persons can enjoy closer contacts and derive greater encouragement and strength from their relations one with another than can be experienced when Acre are so many that it is not possible for a member to become really acquainted with more than a very few. The unconscious appeal of a small lodge tends to inculcate a spirit of loyalty in xs members to the lodge and to each other and thereby results in a larger proportionate attendance and more sincere and exdial relations with each other.

Organization 1944-1945

  • Wor. Master: Wor. LeRoy Tiffany Downer
  • Senior Warden: Bro. Thaddeus William Harris, Jr.
  • Junior Warden: Bro. Leland Dwight Wooding
  • Treasurer: Wor. John Carruthers
  • Secretary: Bro. George Raymond Bancroft
  • Chaplain: Rev. and Bro. Walter Lee Bailey
  • Marshal: Wor. Francis Tremberth
  • Senior Deacon: Bro. Guy Thomas Quinlan
  • Junior Deacon: Bro. Thornton Foster Harvey
  • Senior Steward: Bro. George Frederick Deroo, Jr.
  • Junior Steward: Bro. Andrew Geddis
  • Inside Sentinel: Bro. David Robinson Downer
  • Organist: Bro. Frederic Percyval Lewis
  • Tyler: Bro. Henry Eugene Drown
  • Ritualist: Wor. Theodore Parker Clarke
  • Lodge Representative, Board of Masonic Relief: Rt. Wor. Paul Nye Shiverick
  • Proxy to Grand Lodge Wor. Theodore Parker Clarke

Before closing and on behalf of all the officers and members of the Lodge I want to extend heartiest greetings to our illustrious and deeply beloved and revered sponsor and friend, M. W. Arthur D. Prince, and express to him our sincere appreciation of all his many kindnesses to us and further voice the heartfelt wish and prayer of each one of us that his long and pre-eminent life of usefulness to his brethren and friends, within and without the Fraternity, may be continued, with the enjoyment of a large measure of health and vigor for many years to come.

I desire also, before closing, to express to Rt. Wor. Bro. Shiverick, Wor. Bro. Clarke and Wor. Bro. Carruthers my sincere appreciation of all the assistance which they most graciously and generously accorded me in the preparation of this history of our beloved Lodge.

William Asa LeFavour, Secretary Emeritus

Addenda by R.W. Paul N. Shiverick, Past District Deputy Grand Master

October 9, 1940, M. W. Joseph Earl Perry, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, awarded to our Secretary, Bro. William Asa Lefavour, the Joseph Warren Medal for Distinguished Service to the Lodge. Needless to say, this was one of the most popular and well earned awards that could have been made. He is now and has been for many years one of the best loved men of our Lodge. He served with the original group that organized the Lodge and took the position of Secretary against his own desires, as he was a busy man. He held the position for eighteen years, many of them without financial compensation. His attention to the duties of the office of Secretary was exemplary, his records are an accurate, beautifully kept volume, his attendance was perfect and his help to the other officers can only be appreciated by those who have known him.

The Lodge felt a deep loss when he was obliged to retire and they have from time to time tried to honor him by the presentation of a gold Secretary's Jewel, an Honorary Life Membership and election of him as Secretary Emeritus.

As the Ritual for Installation says, "The faithful performance of the duties of this office will earn you the applause of your brethren."

It is characteristic of his innate modesty that he did not include any reference to his honor in the History for which he was principally responsible.


From Proceedings, Page 1970-96:

By Wor. Herbert V. Canfield.

On searching through the records of Mystic Valley Lodge, since the Institution of the Lodge on April 8, 1920, many interesting facts have been brought forth and the distinctive records of talented and dedicated officers and members who have served the Lodge and masonry in general have been noted.

The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary was celebrated on April 12, 1945 and the history was ably written by Brother William A. Lefavour, Secretary Emeritus. He had served Mystic Valley Lodge with distinction in the office of the Secretary from April 8, 1920 to September 26, 1940, and was honored by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge with the presentation of the Joseph Warren Medal and by Mystic Valley Lodge by election to Honorary Membership.

In writing this history for the Fiftieth Anniversary, the previous history as well as the records so completely recorded by our secretaries was consulted as a text. To this was added personal knowledge of the officers and events for recent years.

During the period of World War I there was a heavy influx of applicants seeking the degrees. This condition continued for a considerable period thereafter and the membership in all lodges increased to an almost staggering degree. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts took recognition of this condition and the burden it was placing on the officers of the Lodges preventing them from performing the other necessary and important functions and duties attending Masonry.

At the annual convocation of the Grand Lodge in December 1919 it was voted to authorize the appointment of a committee, as recommended by the Grand Master in his annual address, to consider the ever increasing membership and offer suggestions looking to the best interest of Masonry in general and the individual Lodges in particular. This committee was headed by Past Grand Master Most Worshipful Melvin M. Johnson.

During this period of time, William Parkman Lodge was holding four communications a month, at some of which two degrees were worked. This number of candidates was imposing considerable pressure and strain upon the officers of the Lodge to cope with this great amount of work.

In January 1920 it was considered timely and advisable by several members of William Parkman Lodge that consideration be given to the organization of a second Lodge in Winchester. Several meetings were held at the home of Right Worshipful William M. Belcher, with Brothers Amasa Harrington, Harris M. Richmond, Harry Y. Nutter and Harris S. Richardson attending, to consider the organization of a new Lodge and the proper procedure to be followed. The decision was reached to take the necessary steps leading to an application for a dispensation from the Grand Master for the establishment of a new Lodge to be known as "Mystic Valley." On February 10, 1920 a formal petition was presented to the Master, Wardens and members of William Parkman Lodge requesting their permission for the organization of a new Lodge. This petition was signed by the following Brethren:

  • R.W. William M. Belcher
  • Amasa Harrington
  • Harris M. Richmond
  • Edward E. Thompson
  • Gordon E. Musselman
  • Hollis E. Riddle
  • Elmer R. Glidden
  • Arthur E. Gates
  • Robert F. Guild
  • Herbert C. Ross
  • J. Lawton Whitlock
  • Benjamin T. Morgan
  • Otto Abrahamsen
  • William Elliot
  • G. Leonard McNeill
  • Adna E. Smalley
  • William M. Smith
  • Charles W. Tarbell
  • John A. Jones
  • Charles T. Brown
  • Edward J. Sears
  • Bowen Tufts

The requested permission of William Parkman Lodge was granted and the approval of the District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth Masonic District was secured. A petition in the required form was then drawn up and presented to the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Arthur D. Prince. The dispensation under which the new Lodge was to function was granted and signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master on March 9, 1920. Mystic Valley Lodge U. D. was then organized with eighty-five Charter Members.

The first recorded meeting of Mystic Valley Lodge U. D. was held in the Winchester Masonic Apartments on April 8, 1920. The dispensation granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master was delivered to R. W. William M. Belcher (who was designated to be Worshipful Master of the new Lodge), by R. W. Charles H. Miles, District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth Masonic District. Mystic Valley Lodge U.D. was then organized and the following officers were conducted to their stations by the District Deputy Grand Marshal:

  • R. W. William M. Belcher, Master
  • Bro. Amasa Harrington, Senior Warden
  • Bro. Harris M. Richmond, Junior Warden
  • Bro. Franklin E. Crawford, Treasurer
  • Bro. Edward E. Thompson, Secretary
  • Wor. Benjamin T. Morgan, Marshal
  • Bro. Rev. Alliston B. Gieford, Chaplain
  • Bro. Gordon E. Musselman, Senior Deacon
  • Bro. J. Lawton Wiiitlock, Junior Deacon
  • Bro. Elmer E. Glidden, Senior Steward
  • Bro. Adna E. Smalley, Junior Steward
  • Bro. Robert F. Guild, Inside Sentinel
  • Bro. F. Percyval Lewis, Organist
  • Bro. Warren F. Foster, Tyler

At the Regular Communication of William Parkman Lodge held on March 9, 1920, it was voted that Mystic Valley Lodge be granted the free use of the apartments, regalia and other paraphernalia controlled and belonging to William Parkman Lodge while Mystic Valley Lodge was acting under dispensation. Mystic Valley Lodge, at the meeting held on April 8, 1920, voted that the thanks of Mystic Valley Lodge be conveyed to William Parkman Lodge for this generous offer.

Mystic Valley Lodge, U.D. acted under dispensation from April 8, 1920 to December 30, 1920. During this period of time the following Brothers were Initiated, Passed and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason:

  • Robert Weeks Armstrong
  • Warner Spencer Doane
  • McLean Frank Wesley
  • Fred Curtis Wormelle
  • Charles Hildreth Wooley

  • Arthur Eugene French
  • Ralph Davis Joslin
  • William Asa LeFavour
  • Allen Howland Wood, Jr.
  • Richard Monroe Clifton
  • Kenneth McLaren Stewart

It is with interest and great honor to record here as we prepare to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary, that two of the above Brothers, Ralph Davis Joslin and Richard Monroe Clifton are about to receive their fifty-year Veteran's Medal. Brother Ralph Davis Joslin is confined to the Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Brother Richard Monroe Clifton is a most regular attendant at the meetings of Mystic Valley Lodge.

On December 30, 1920 a Special Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was held in the Winchester Masonic Apartments for the purpose of Constituting Mystic Valley Lodge. (1921 Mass. 1-5) The proceedings were preceded by a complimentary dinner to the Grand Officers, other guests and members of the Lodge. Grand Lodge was opened in Ample Form in a room adjoining the apartments and then proceeded in an impressive procession into the lodge room where M.W. Arthur D. Prince, Grand Master, with a distinguished suite of Grand Officers, formally Constituted Mystic Valley Lodge and installed the following officers:

  • R. W. William M. Belcher, Worshipful Master
  • Bro. Amasa Harrington, Senior Warden
  • Bro. Harris M. Richmond, Junior Warden
  • Bro. Franklin E. Crawford, Treasurer
  • Bro. Edward E. Thompson, Secretary
  • Wor. Benjamin T. Morgan, Marshal
  • Bro. Rev. Alliston B. Gifford, Chaplain
  • Bro. T. Parker Clarke, Senior Deacon
  • Bro. J. Lawton Whitlock, Junior Deacon
  • Bro. John Carruthers, Senior Steward
  • Bro. Fred C. Wormelle, Junior Steward
  • Bro. Robert F. Guild, Inside Sentinel
  • Bro. F. Percyval Lewis, Organist
  • Bro. Dana C. Pickering, Tyler

At the close of the Special Communication for the Constitution of Mystic Valley Lodge held on December 30, 1920, R.W. Brother Belcher presented the Grand Master, M. W. Arthur D. Prince, with a check in the amount of $125.00 which represented a 125% subscription to the George Washington Memorial Fund. This was a fitting close to an eventful and historical meeting.

Mystic Valley Lodge, while not experiencing spectacular growth in membership through this first fifty years, can be very proud of the true Masonic spirit which has prevailed among the officers and members through the years. It has ever been distinguished as being a friendly Lodge showing true Masonic spirit and affording a cordial welcome to its many visitors. The Lodge has always been one of the first to complete or exceed any request from the Grand Lodge or District Deputy Grand Master for any charitable or other worthwhile purpose.

Mystic Valley Lodge may also take great pride in the record of masonic and public service and the distinction of many of its Past Masters and members.

  • R. W. William M. Belcher, who was the eighteenth Master of William Parkman Lodge 1897-1898, served Mystic Valley Lodge as its first Master and was most instrumental in the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge. R. W. Brother Belcher was D. D. G. Master of the Sixth Masonic District for the years 1904-1905 and his long service extended to Senior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in the year 1908. R. W. Brother Belcher was also the architect of the form and material for the printing of the attractive front cover of our Lodge notice depicting the Town Hall and its reflection in the waters of the Abcrjona River with the surrounding scenery. The first notice to be so printed was on March 15, 1921 and continues to the present time. R.W. Brother Belcher was also one of the organizers of the Sixth District Past Masters' Association and was its first President in 1908. R.W. Brother Belcher was awarded the Henry Price Medal for his long and distinctive service to Masonry.
  • Wor. Amasa Harrington, the second Master of Mystic Valley Lodge for the years 1921-1922 also served his Lodge and the craft in general with great distinction. Wor. Bro. Harrington was awarded the Joseph Warren Medal in 1931 for his distinguished service to Masonry. He also served as recorder of Orient Council for thirty-five years.
  • The third Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, R. W. Harris M. Richmond, was one of the guiding hands in the organization of the Lodge. He was Master for the years 1922-1924. At the Annual Meeting at the close of his second term as Master, on December 4, 1924, Wor. Bro. Richmond was nominated and elected to the office of Treasurer. He served in this office for seven years until his appointment by the Most Worshipful Cirand Master as District Deputy Grand Master for the Somerville Sixth Masonic District.

In searching through the records of the Lodge, it is interesting to note that the first Official Visitation by the D. D. G. Master of Mystic Valley Lodge took place on the evening of September 27, 1921 at the Eleventh Special Communication of the Lodge. R.W. Percy W. Witherell, D. D. G. Master for the Sixth Masonic District, a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge was accompanied by his D. D. G. Marshal, Wor. Ernest W. Hatch, also a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge and a suite of 51 distinguished Masons. There were 59 members of Mystic Valley Lodge present and 58 visitors making the total attendance including the suite at this meeting 168.

In June of 1924 the Most Worshipful Grand Master requested donations from the Lodges for the purpose of furnishing the new Williams Memorial addition to the Masonic Home in Charlton. Mystic Valley Lodge being a new Lodge did not have sufficient funds in the treasury from which to contribute. An appeal was made to the membership and the sum of $250.00 was contributed by the members for this worthwhile purpose.

Mystic Valley Lodge grew and prospered to a reasonable degree for the first eight years holding many Special Communications in addition to the Regular Communications each month. Following the financial and business crash beginning in 1928, Mystic Valley Lodge as well as other Lodges, experienced a marked decrease in the number of applicants for the degrees and consequently a decrease in the financial position of the Lodge. This condition existed for a period of several years through the 1930's and was also the cause of many members to request demits. From 1928 through 1939 there were a total of 47 demits issued to members.

A Special Communication of Mystic Valley Lodge was held on April 11, 1930 in celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Institution of the Lodge. The guest of honor on that occasion was M. W. Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts and an honorary member of Mystic Valley Lodge. M. W. Arthur D. Prince granted the dispensation for the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge and presided at the Constitution of the Lodge on December 30, 1920. R. W. Charles H. Miles who was presiding D. D. G. M. at the time of the Institution and Constitution of Mystic Valley Lodge was conducted to the East and re-enactment of the Institution of Mystic Valley Lodge took place with most of the original officers filling the stations held at the time of the Institution ten years previous to this occasion.

The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Mystic Valley Lodge was fittingly celebrated at the Two Hundred and Thirty-Ninth Regular Communication on April 12, 1945. (1945 Mass. 55-87) Wor. Leroy T. Downer opened Lodge in Form at 6:00 P.M. and a short business meeting was held. Brother Isaiah A. Bullard who was Raised in Soley Lodge on March 15, 1926 was elected to membership by affiliation in Mystic Valley Lodge. Immediately following the election of Bro. Bullard, the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment to join the M. W. Grand Master, M. W. Samuel H. Wragg and other distinguished Grand Lodge Officers and guests, for a bountiful roast beef dinner.

At 7:40 P.M. the Lodge was called from refreshment to labor again to officially receive the Most Worshipful Grand Master. M. W. Whitfield W. Johnson, who at this time was R. W. Whitfield W. Johnson, was Grand Marshal of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. R. W. Paul Nye Shiverick was appointed Chairman of a Committee composed of all Past Masters present to greet and conduct the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Suite into the Lodge. The first action of the M. W. Grand Master upon assuming the East was to cause the Lodge to stand in silence out of respect to Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, who it had just been learned had been called to the Celestial Lodge above where the Grand Architect of the universe presides. The history for the first twenty-five years of the Lodge was read by Bro. LeFavour and brought high compliments from the M.W. Grand Master and the Brethren present. iVI.W. Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand Master of Masons, who issued the dispensation for the organization of Mystic Valley Lodge and presided at the Constitution of the Lodge on December 30, 1920, sent greetings and regrets for his inability to attend this occasion. Wor. Leroy T. Downer had that day sent flowers to M.W. Arthur D. Prince in regret of his inability to attend. All living Past Masters, with the exception of Wor. J. Lawton Whitlock, were present for the celebration of this twenty-fifth anniversary.

Mystic Valley Lodge is indebted to many other Past Masters, Secretaries, Treasurers, Chaplains, Organists and Tylers who have unselfishly and with great honor to themselves and the Fraternity served in their respective capacities over the past fifty years.

  • Wor. T. Parker Clarke was the fourth Worshipful Master to serve the Lodge in that high office in the years 1925-1926. Wor. Bro. Clarke was Raised in Amicable Lodge on March 7, 1905 and was a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge. Wor. Bro. Clarke, following his two terms as Master, served as Proxy to the Grand Lodge for many years. He also served as ritualist and was responsible for the excellent ritual for which the officers of Mystic Valley Lodge were noted. In addition, he served as a member of the District Committee of the Masonic Service Bureau and as an instructor of the 13th Lodge of Instruction. VVor. Bro. Clarke was honored by the M.W. Grand Lodge in 1939 by being awarded the Joseph Warren Medal for distinguished service to the Craft. Wor. Bro. Clarke was called to the Celestial Lodge above on October 9, 1958. He will always be fondly remembered by those who had the great pleasure of his association, counsel and friendship.
  • R. W. John Carruthers, who served as Worshipful Master for the years 1928-1930, was the last Charter Member to serve in that office. R. W. Bro. Carruthers served both Mystic Valley Lodge and the Grand Lodge with great honor and distinction over a period of forty-nine years. He was Raised in Wyoming Lodge on June 24, 1915 and was the sixth Master of Mystic Valley Lodge. On December 10, 1931, he was elected Treasurer of the Lodge upon the resignation from that office of R.W. Harris M. Richmond who found the duties of D.D.G.M. of the Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District too demanding on his time to continue in that office. R.W. Bro. Carruthers continued to serve as Treasurer until September 1967, a period of thirty-six years. In the year 1940, the Advisory Finance Committee of Grand Lodge, of which Wor. Bro. Carruthers was a member, made an exhaustive study of the finances of Grand Lodge and the constituent Lodges. Most of the work by this committee was done by Wor. John Carruthers who was a professional in this field. Wor. Bro. Carruthers was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1940 by the Massachusetts Grand Lodge. He was shortly thereafter appointed Chairman of the Grand Lodge Finance Advisory Committee and continued to serve in that capacity until his death on April 4, 1969. He was responsible for Mystic Valley Lodge's excellent set of By-Laws that are presently being used by the Grand Lodge Committee on Charters and By-Laws as a model. R.W. Bro. Carruthers was appointed to serve as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Illinois near the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1945 and continued to serve in that capacity until 1969. R.W. Bro. Carruthers was a most valued counselor to the succeeding Masters of Mystic Valley Lodge and was looked up to with great honor and respect. His presence will forever be missed.
  • R. W. Paul Nye Shiverick served Mystic Valley Lodge as Worshipful Master for a two-year term from 1930-1932 and was the first initiate following the Constitution of the Lodge in December 1930 to become Master of the Lodge. While serving as Master of Mystic Valley Lodge, he was selected by R.W. Harris M. Richmond to serve as his D.D.G. Secretary of the Sixth (Somerville) District. Mystic Valley Lodge was highly honored in December 1938 by his appointment as District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District. He selected as his Marshal, Wor. Charles P. Downer, who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1934-1936 and as his D. D. G. Secretary, Wor. Francis Tremberth, who was at the time serving as Master of Mystic Valley Lodge. R.W. Bro. Shiverick had a long and distinguished Masonic career, covering a period of forty-five years. He served as Representative to the Board of Masonic Relief for many years. He also served for many years as Grand Lodge Representative to the Grand Lodge of Austria near the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. He was honored by the M. W. Grand Lodge in 1962 for his long and devoted service to Masonry by being awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. R.W. Bro. Shiverick was a tower of strength to Mystic Valley Lodge and his wise counsel and friendly advice were called upon by all succeeding Masters. R.W. Bro. Shiverick in his forty-five years as an officer and Member of Mystic Valley Lodge rarely missed a meeting and his death on December 30, 1966 was a great loss to Mystic Valley Lodge.
  • Wor. John W. Bodman, having been elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge at the Annual Meeting held on September

10, 1936, was officially installed on October 8, 1936 with very impressive ceremonies. The records reveal a large attendance totaling one hundred and five being present at this meeting. Most of the visitors being business associates of Wor. Bro. Bodman represented forty-six different Lodges in eight different Masonic districts. Wor. Bro. Bodman was elected to serve a second term as Master on September 30, 1937.

  • It was customary for the officers of the Lodge to serve two years in each station. Following the second term as Master of Wor. George F. Deroo, Jr., and beginning with the installation of Wor. Leon E. Leavitt on October 12, 1950, the officers have served terms of only one year. There was one exception. That resulted from the unfortunate illness that befell Brother Harry W. Wood who at the time was Senior Warden. Although Brother Wood was elected to serve as Master, his illness prevented the fulfillment of the task. Wor. Fred M. Cameron continued to serve as Master for a second term and although he was residing in the State of New Hampshire, performed all of his duties as Worshipful Master with great zeal. He was also most faithful in his attendance on the suites of both District Deputy Grand Masters in the Somerville District.
  • Worshipful Brother Leon Leavitt has been a most helpful and faithful officer and member of Mystic Valley Lodge. He served as Master for the year 1950-1951. He was appointed as ritualist in 1953 and served as ritualist for a period of fifteen years until 1968. He has ever been ready to fill any office or to perform any task requested of him.
  • R. W. Richard P. Nyquist was elected Master of the Lodge on September 9, 1954 and installed in that office to serve for the year 1954-1955 on September 24, 1954. In December 1955, Wor. Bro. Nyquist was elected Proxy to the M.W. Grand Lodge and he continued to serve in that capacity until December 1969. His reports to the Lodge on Grand Lodge proceedings were always most complete in every detail. He was selected to serve as D.D.G. Marshal of the Sixth (Somerville) District by R. W. Warren P. Eldridge and served in that capacity for two years, 1958-1959. On December 12. 1959. R. W. Brother Nyquist and Mystic Valley Lodge were honored by his appointment to serve as Senior Grand Deacon of the M. W. Grand Lodge. R.W. Brother Nyquist and Mystic Valley Lodge were again honored by the Grand Master's appointment of R.W. Brother Nyquist as District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth (Somerville) Masonic District in which office he served with distinction for the years 1962 and 1963. His D.D.G. Marshal was Wor. Harvey C. Haag who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1955-1956. His D. D. G. Secretary was Wor. Floyd H. Horn who was Master of Mystic Valley Lodge 1960-1961. This team of D. D. G. Officers was a most popular trio and accordingly attracted very large suites to their visitations.

Mystic Valley Lodge and Wor. Harvey C. Haag were highly honored in the year 1963 by his appointment as Senior Grand Deacon of the M.W. Grand Lodge.

It is, of course, impracticable to list all of those who have given of their time and talents throughout our history, for each has given unselfishly and without thought of reward. This history would not be complete, however, without some mention of others who have served so faithfully.

  • Rev. Bro. George A. Butters, Chaplain from October 1935 to October 1939 was also a member and Chaplain of Revere Lodge. Rev. Brother Butters later became Master of Revere Lodge and D.D.G.M. of the First (Boston) District. Rev. Brother Butters was recently honored by the Southern Jurisdiction, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite with the 33rd and Honorary Degree.
  • Rev. Bro. Roger E. Makepeace served as Chaplain from October 1939 to June 1944 at which time he entered the armed services of our country to serve as Chaplain. Rev. Brother Makepeace now holds the rank of Lt. Col. and resides in San Jose, California.
  • Rev. Bro. Walter L. Bailey served as Chaplain of Mystic Valley Lodge from May 1945 to September 1958 a period of

thirteen years of great devotion to Mystic Valley Lodge. Rev. Bro. Bailey retired from the ministry in September 1953 and moved to New Hampshire to enjoy retirement. Rev. Brother Bailey gave many charges to candidates and to newly installed officers of the Lodge. His charges were so well delivered and had such great meaning that they were a pleasure to hear and an inspiration to all who were present.

  • Rev. Bro. H. Newton Clay deserves special mention. He served as Chaplain upon assuming the Pastorship of the Crawford Memorial Methodist Church in 1958 until June 1969. During this time, Rev. Brother Clay also served as Chaplain for Revere Lodge which meets at the Masonic Temple, Boston. Rev. Brother Clay never missed a meeting unless Pastoral duties prevented him from so doing. His semi-retirement from the ministry and assuming the Pastorship of a small parish the other side of Boston has prevented his continuing as Chaplain of Mystic Valley Lodge. His regular presence in our midst and his prayers at our holy altar are greatly missed. Rev. Brother Clay has fulfilled many speaking engagements before Masonic bodies and has always been a most popular speaker. His sense of humor has ever been most delightful.
  • Bro. Dana C. Pickering served as Tyler for a period of twenty-three years from October 1920 to December 1943.
  • Bro. Henry E. Drown served as Tyler for a period of twelve years, 1944 to 1956. Bro. Drown resigned as Tyler to move to Florida in retirement and still enjoys that sunny climate. Brother Henry is most personable and was an excellent Tyler. Every Brother, member and visitor alike, were always cordially greeted and felt his warm friendship.
  • Bro. F. Percyval Lewis was a Charter Member of Mystic Valley Lodge and assumed his office as Organist at the Institution of the Lodge on April 8, 1920 and faithfully continued to serve in that office for twenty-eight years until September 1948.
  • Bro. Wallace Young faithfully served Mystic Valley Lodge as Secretary for a period of twelve years from October 1950 to

June 1962, He was Raised in Merrimack Lodge, Haverhill, on October 22, 1919 and affiliated with Mystic Valley Lodge in January 1949. Brother Young was a most efficient Secretary and a dedicated Mason. His manner was always quiet and unassuming and he was always ready to assume any task requested of him. He delighted in guarding the East Gate in die performance of the Third Degree. He now lives in retirement in Bradenton, Florida.

As the first half century of Mystic Valley Lodge comes to a close, we look forward to the future with confidence that Mystic Valley Lodge and Masonry everywhere will continue to build on the solid foundation upon which it has been built in the past ages and that Brotherly love, relief and truth will prevail among men and nations.



1920: District 6 (Somerville)

1927: District 6 (Somerville)


Massachusetts Lodges

The curator for this page is Brother Alan Jones. Please direct informational updates and questions to him.