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Location: X

Chartered By: X

Dispensation Date: date

Charter Date: date

Current Status: status


Meeting Date: First Friday







The records of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island show that a petition was presented February 26, 1816, from Bro. Joseph Rice and others , asking for a Dispensation for a new Lodge to be located in Coventry, under the name of “Hamilton Lodge, No. 15.” The petition was laid over until the next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge, held May 27, 1816 at which time the Dispensation was granted.

The Grand Lodge held a Special Communication in Coventry, October 9, 1817, for the purpose of consecrating Hamilton Lodge and installing their officers, a Charter having been duly granted. Grand Master John Carlile was present and presided at the services. The members of the Grand Lodge, with a goodly number of visitors, then proceeded to the meeting room, where the Grand Chaplain, Rev. Barnabas Bates, delivered “a well adapted discourse accompanied with appropriate music, after which the Grand Master proceeded to consecrate said Lodge, and install their officers.” The record further states that an excellent entertainment was prepared by Bro. McGregor.

In the year 1817, Hamilton Lodge built a hall adjoining an old tavern owned by Jeremiah McGregor. At that time it was the custom for candidates to give their notes for the degree. The treasurer of the Lodge, also the proprietor of the tavern and hall, selected the best of notes for his own use. Having become dissatisfied therewith, the Lodge purchased a hall at Foster Center and removed thereto in 1825. He was finally suspended by the Lodge but reinstated by action of the Grand Lodge in 1874 or 1875.

Hamilton lodge did not free itself from difficulties by its removal to Foster Center. The Lodge bought a hall and anteroom in the second story of a building at the place afterwards lost possession of the hall through the actions taken by a certain member. The circumstances under which the hall was lost seemed exceedingly unjust to the majority of the Lodge. This was the second hall of which the Lodge was deprived during the first twenty years of its history.

Being without a hall or other place of meeting, the Lodge held a Special Communication June 9, 1834, on the highest piece of land which they could find, namely, in the pasture of Worshipful master Jerah Hill, situated about 100 rods from the former hall. At this meeting the Lodge put on record expression of the general feeling that a great injustice had been done by depriving them of the use of the hall. The brother, who, the committee held acted unjustly in this matter was expelled from the Lodge on June 10, 1835. Hamilton Lodge by reason of it situation, has never attained great numerical strength. It has had to contend, at different times, with much opposition. It has always had, however, strong hands to support its interests and a loyal following of earnest and resolute brethren.





Rhode Island Lodges