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Grand Master 1949-1950


Howard Benjamin Rice, of What Cheer Lodge, No. 21, of Providence, was elected and installed the ninety-fourth Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, at the One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Annual Communication hold in Providence on Monday, May 16, A. L. 5949, A. D. 1949.

M. W. Brother Rice was born in Crompton, Rhode Island, June 1, 1889, the son of Malcolm MacMillan Rice and Cora Elizabeth (Paine) Rice. He resides at 52 Dorchester Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island.

His early education was obtained in the public schools of Crompton and Cranston, Rhode Island.

He was married on January 27, 1913 to Mabelle Ellen Collison, of Providence, and they have two children.

A daughter, Elisabeth Paine, married Howard R. Smart, Jr., of Saylesville, Rhode Island, Past Master of Barney Merry Lodge, No. 29, Pawtucket, and now Grand Marshal. They have two children, Janice Elisabeth and Jeffrey Randall.

A son, Howard Eliot Rice, a recent graduate of Harvard Law School married Margery Alice Chandler, of Charlotte, Michigan. They met in military service; she as a Lieutenant in Coast Guard, and he as a Lieutenant Commander in command of a Flotilla of L. C. T's. They were married in Honolulu and have three children, Bruce Eliot, Sara Lee, and Elizabeth Chandler.

M. W. Grand Master Rice was made a Mason in What Cheer Lodge, No. 21, on January 3, 1913, passed May 2, 1913, raised June 6, 1913, admitted June 26, 1913, and was elected and installed Worshipful Master at the Annual Communication November 28, 1924.

He is a Companion of Providence Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1, and was elected and installed Excellent High Priest at the Annual Convocation November 21, 1940.

He is a Companion of Providence Council, No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, and was elected and installed Thrice Illustrious Master at the Annual Assembly January 13, 1928. He served as Chaplain for a period of ten years until the last Annual.

He is a Knight Templar in Calvary Commandery, No. 13, K. T.

He is a Noble in Palestine Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., and on June 15. 1948 was elected an Honorary Member of Barney Merry Lodge, No. 29.

He is a Past President of the Masonic Past Masters' Association of Rhode Island; a member and present Chaplain of Order of High Priesthood.

He is a member of Broadway Baptist Church in Providence, and for the past nineteen years, until the last Annual Meeting, served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

He served as a member of the Board of Managers and the Executive Committee of the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention.

He also served as Moderator of the Warren Association, and is a former chairman of the Rhode Island Baptist Laymen's Council of the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention.

He is connected with Heller-Hope Company, of New York, dealers in semi-precious stones, and represents that company in the vicinity of Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts.

Brother Rice endeared himself to the brethren throughout this Grand Jurisdiction during his term as Grand Master. With the exception of three he visited every lodge in the State and his gracious and sincere manner in bringing his Masonic messages to the brethren was received with great appreciation and enthusiasm.

Rhode Island People