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Given before Grand Lodge, 06/14/1995, by Grand Master of Prince Hall Edgar MacLean.

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren:
Good Afternoon:

As I look into this vast sea of Brethren assembled here, let us as men and Masons experience and enjoy the reality and truth of that gieat scriptural statement familiar to all Master Masons wherever dispersed over the face of the earth, "BEHOLD HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY.

We arrived here today from our several homes, traveling the four points of the Compass, and always under the protection and watchful guidance of T.G.A.O.T.U. Many of us before today have never seen or met one another, yet under the influence of the mystic ties which bind us together, we find ourselves no longer strangers, but a family of friends and Brethren.

The occasion for which we are assembled is an important milestone in the history of Freemasonry in the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts.

Most Worshipful Grand Master, I am honored by your invitation to join with you on such a momentous and historic event. It is indeed a pleasure to stand before the many representatives of Freemasonry throughout the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts and be able to bring you warm, sincere and fraternal greetings from The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., Jurisdiction of Massachusetts, The Mother Grand Lodge of all Prince Hall Masons.

In extending recognition to each other, we are adhering to the 14th Landmark of Masonry, "whereby every Mason has the right of visitation." Recognition is a desirable privilege, recognition promotes fratemal growth, recognition enables fratemal contact, recognition enables Grand Lodges and subordinate Lodges to interchange thoughts and ideas and recognition promotes friendship, brotherly love and affection.

Let history record this historic day that we as Masons in the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts no longer travel a parallel road; Today we have set an example that others may follow in our footsteps. Our founding fathers of this great Fratemity would be pleased with the way things have turned out. Prince Hall himself must be smiling this day and looking down upon us saying, "well done my faithful Brothers, well done."

Let us rather say that "Masonry, as we see it in our dreams and seek to realize it in our fellowship, is like one of the cathedrals which our Brethren built in olden times; faith its foundation, righteousness its cornerstone, strength and wisdom its walls, beauty its form and fashion, brotherly love its clasped arches, reverence its roof, the Bible its Altar, mysticism its music, charity its essence, fellowship its sacrament, its symbols windows nobly wrought, half revealing and half-concealing a Truth too illusive for words, too vast for dogma, and too bright for eyes unveiled, and only hinted to us until we are ready and worthy to behold it with other clearer eyes than we know." (Joseph Fort Newton)

God knows best what is best for me,
so why should I worry or anxious be,
trying to fathom the course I take,
grasping at bubbles that fade and break?
One step is all that I need to see,
for God knows best what is best for you and me.

At the conclusion of Most Worshipful Brother McLean's remarks, Most Worshipful David W. Lovering presented him with the Henry Price Medal, to the great delight of Brother McLean and all those in attendance.