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Deputy Grand Master, 1964
Grand Master, 1975-1977


1975 1976 1977



From Proceedings, Page 1975-128, at the dedication of Juniper Hall, Charlton:

"How many pleasing considerations, my Brethren, attend the present interview. While in almost every other part of the world political animosities, contentions, and wars interrupt the progress of humanity and the cause of benevolence, it is our distinguished privilege, in this happy region of liberty and peace, to engage in the plans and to perfect the designs of individual and social happiness. While in other nations our Order is viewed by politicians with suspicion and by the ignorant with apprehension, in this country its members are too much respected, and its principles too well known, to make it the object of jealousy or mistrust. Our private assemblies are unmolested, and our public celebrations attract a more general approbation of the Fraternity, indeed, its importance, its credit, and, we trust, its usefulness, are advancing to a height unknown in any former age. The present occasion gives fresh evidence of the increasing affection of its friends; and this noble building, fitted up in a style of elegance and convenience, does honor to Masonry, at whose expense it is erected.

"We commend the zeal of our members and hope it will meet with the most ample recompense. May this edifice be the happy resort of piety, virtue, and benevolence; may it be protected from accident and long remain a monument of their attachment to Masonry; may the Fraternity continue to flourish and strengthen, with happiness to abound; and when we all shall be removed from the labors of the earthly Lodge, may we be admitted to the brotherhood of the perfect, in the building of God, the building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."



Grand Masters